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Showing results for "kalima pa.Dhaanaa"

kalima pa.Dhaanaa

to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)

kalima pa.Dhnaa

recite the Kalima (la-ilaha illal-lah, there is no god but God), declare belief in Muslim creed, be converted to Islam

do kalme pa.Dhnaa

tote kii tarah kalima pa.Dhnaa

to be pretend Muslim

naam kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to respect someone highly

nabii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to take the name of Prophet Mohammed, to describe to name of Prophet Mohammed

kisii kaa kalima pa.Dhnaa

to have faith in someone, to devote someone

Meaning ofSee meaning kalima pa.Dhaanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

kalima pa.Dhaanaa

कलिमा पढ़ानाکَلِمَہ پَڑھانا


Root word: kalima

Tags: Figurative

English meaning of kalima pa.Dhaanaa

Arabic, Hindi - Compound Verb

  • to make (one) repeat the (Muslim) confession of faith, to convert (one) to Mohammadanism, to make a Musalman of (one)
  • (Metaphorically) express love, express faith (in someone)

कलिमा पढ़ाना के हिंदी अर्थ

अरबी, हिंदी - यौगिक क्रिया

  • मुसलमान बनाना, इस्लाम में लाना, ज़बान से कलमा कहलवाना, मुसलमान बनाना
  • (लाक्षणिक) किसी व्यक्ति के अच्छाई को स्वीकार करना, आज्ञाकारी और अनुयायी बनाना

کَلِمَہ پَڑھانا کے اردو معانی

عربی، ہندی - فعل مرکب

  • کلمۂ توحید زبان سے کہلوانا، مسلمان بنانا، اسلام میں لانا
  • (مجازاً) کسی شخص کے کمال یا خوبی کا اقرار کرانا، والہ و شیوا کرنا، معتقد و مطیع بنانا

Showing search results for: English meaning of kalima padhana, English meaning of kalima parhaanaa

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kalima pa.Dhaanaa

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