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Showing results for "'adam"


nonexistence, negation, nonentity, nothingness, void, life after death



the other world, the place where man reaches after death




the other world, the place where man reaches after death

'adam honaa




the other world, the place where man reaches after death



default of prosecution, non-appearance in court









existence and non-existence, to be or not to be



absence, non-existence

'adam se aanaa

'adam naa-aashnaa


not trying


'adam kaa safar

'adam aabaad sidhaarnaa




non-existence of permanence, durability

'adam ko pahu.nchnaa




'adam kii raah lenaa

'adam ko ravaana honaa



(Sufism) the divine sphere, divinity, world of divinity


non-performance, non-service, non-execution






irregular pile or heap


lack of security or secure feeling, unsecured

'adam se vujuud me.n aanaa


lack of equality, being inequality, being inequality in social status, wealth, or opportunity between people or groups



not including

'adam kaa rasta dikhaanaa

'adam kaa rasta dekhnaa

'adam aabaad kaa raasta dikhaanaa


incompletion, incompleteness


not being fixed or specific



no confidence, distrust



not breathing


not being fixed or specific

'adam-o-vujuud baraabar honaa

(of someone) be a non-entity, be of no significance


ignorance, want of information or knowledge



'adam kaa rasta lenaa


lack of attention, disregard, carelessness

'adam aabaad kaa raasta lenaa

Compound words of 'adam


Origin: Arabic

Urdu compound words with ''adam'

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