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Showing results for "'alam"


the world, universe


flag, banner, standard


more or most knowing, most knowledgeable, highly educated


very knowing, very scientific, very learned, all-knowing


affliction, grief, torment


standard- bearer


carrying a flag

'alam honaa

be raised, be notorious or famous


the supporter or sympathizer of a particular ideology or revolution

'alam karnaa

draw sword

'alam gaa.Dnaa

make name, become famous

'alam uThnaa

'alam TuuTe

the cursing word of Shi'a women

'alam cha.Dhnaa

'alam khulnaa

'alam ba.Dhaanaa

'alam cha.Dhaanaa


to be standard bearer, to be a staunch supporter of a movement or ideology, raising the flag

'alam uchaanaa

'alam uThaanaa

to carry a banner in the memory of martyrs of Karbala in processions

'alam nikalnaa

'alam uuchaanaa

'alam khii.nchnaa

'alam-daar kaa 'alam TuuTe

the cursing word of Shi'a women

'alam nikaalnaa

related to flag procession of 9th and 10th of Muharram

'alam-bardaarii karnaa

'alam buland karnaa

'alam buland honaa

'alam me.n chillaa baa.ndhnaa

'alam bapaa honaa

'alam nasb honaa

'alam barpaa honaa

'alam ThanDaa honaa


'alam ke niiche aa jaanaa

to support a movement, policy or ideology


adversities, sufferings, sorrows, troubles, pains, grief, afflictions, misfortunes

'alam-e-baGaavat buland karnaa



flags, banners


excruciating, troublesome, agonizing, torturing, very painful




wise, learned, knowing everything


learned, intelligent, knowledgeable, wise


causing injury or hurt, inflicting pain, tormenting, punishment


sadness, sorrow, gloom


announcing, notification, warrant, court's summon, notification, introduction


place of awesome stillness, state of nothingness (except God)

'aalam 'aalam

everywhere, in the whole world,very, much


world-traversing, great traveller




friend of world, the one who knows the world very well,




brightening the world, Illuminator of the world (commonly used for sun and moon)


world-adorning, world regulating




saviour of the world, a mode of address for royalty


(Metaphorically) the sun

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