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Showing results for "aamir-e-'aql"


knowledge, opinion

'aql denaa

advise, instruct


wisdom tooth


'aql aanaa

'aql u.Dnaa


wisdom, sagacity, ingenuity



'aql jaanaa


mental, intellecutal

'aql sun.naa


embellishment of intellect

'aql lagnaa

'aql u.Daanaa

'aql khonaa

'aql la.Daanaa


'aql chalnaa

'aql rakhnaa

'aql charnaa

'aql paka.Dnaa

'aql dau.Daanaa

think, reason, consider

'aql phirnaa


wise, sensible, intelligent



rationality and wisdom

'aql lagaanaa

'aql ga.nvaanaa

'aql se duur

'aql se ba'iid

'aql bu.Dhiyaa

'aql sikhaanaa

'aql kii baat

'aql kii maar


everyday knowhow

'aql me.n aanaa



the first creature, the first wisdom, the reason behind the existence of other creatures

'aql u.D jaanaa

'aql kaa pher


'aql kii pu.Diyaa


fool; having weak understanding

'aql kho denaa


reason reaching the meaning of the form


eating, swallowing

'aql kii kamii

'aql kaa koraa


meditation on a future state


'aql me.n laanaa

'aql chakraanaa

to be confused and distracted, be at one's wits end

'aql pathraanaa

'aql maar denaa

'aql kaa andhaa

blockhead, fool, stupid person

'aql ba.Dii honaa


sound mind

'aql honaa

be astounded, baffle


'aql kaa maaraa

Meaning ofSee meaning aamir-e-'aql in English, Hindi & Urdu


आमिर-ए-'अक़्लآمِرِ عَقل

Vazn : 21221

English meaning of aamir-e-'aql

  • ruler,  conqueror of wisdom

Sher Examples

Showing search results for: English meaning of aamireakl, English meaning of aamireaql

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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