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Showing results for "jam'"


without remainder or arrears, complete, paid up in full, balanced, even, entirely, completely, fully

be-baaq honaa



be-baaq karnaa

to pay up in full, to complete, to wipe off, adjust, settle, liquidate, discharge (an account), to balance (accounts), to make good a default or balance

qarz be-baaq karnaa

baaqii be-baaq karnaa

hisaab be-baaq karnaa

pay off debts, settle or clear an account, liquidate a balance, requite

jhaa.D be-baaq kiyaa

qarz be-baaq honaa

hisaab be-baaq honaa

jhaa.Duu be-baaq kiyaa

jhaa.D be-baaq kar diyaa

laaThii ke haath, maal guzaarii be-baaq

Compound words of jam'


Origin: Arabic

Urdu compound words with 'jam''

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