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Showing results for "mard"


related to religion, according to religious guidelines, fair


dharm karo

dharm karnaa

do good

dharm khaanaa

dharm kamaanaa

to store up treasure in the future world by good works and a virtuous life, to work out (one's) salvation


a religious or virtuous act, work of merit, religious duty or exercise, any indispensable act of religion, righteous conduct, acting according to law


religion and actions, worship and all, good deeds, symbolic: the way, manners

dharm kii aan jaanaa


dharm ko.ii kho.e dhan ko.ii paave

dharm kii ja.D sadaa harii

dharm ko.ii de dhan ko.ii le

dharm ko.ii kho.e dhan ko.ii le

Compound words of mard


Origin: Persian

Urdu compound words with 'mard'

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