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Showing results for "kotvaal"



kotwal, former title of the chief officer of police in a town or city, one who polices and maintains law and order



kotvaalii cha.Dhnaa

to be arrested, come to a policeman's grasp




a place or hall for the office of a kotwal

kotvaalii dikhaanaa

kotvaalii kaa chabuutara dekhnaa

kotvaalii kaa chabuutara dikhaanaa



halq kaa kotvaal

dehlii kaa kotvaal

ulTaa chor kotvaal ko Daa.nTe

the thief turns round and threatens the constable, allusion to an inverted order of things, criminal chiding the judge

ulTe chor kotvaal ko Daa.nTe

the thief scolds the police, allusion to an inverted order of things

Daalte der nahii.n sar par kotvaal

sayyaa.n bha.e kotvaal ab Dar kaahe kaa

a friend in court makes the process short

sau din chor ke to ek din kotvaal kaa

the thief is ultimately caught


office or post of a police officer

jis kaa yaar kotvaal use Dar kaahe kaa

kutte vaal kaa

sai.nyyaa.n bha.e kutvaal ab Dar kaahe kaa

sai.nyaa.n bha.e kutvaal ab Dar kyaa hai



kaaTh kaTavval baa.nslii bhamberii meraa naam

kaachh kaTavval baa.nslii bhamberii meraa naam

Meaning ofSee meaning kotvaal in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of kotvaal

Noun, Masculine

  • kotwal, former title of the chief officer of police in a town or city, one who polices and maintains law and order
  • the keeper or porter of a castle
  • the chief officer of the police for a city or town
  • city magistrate

Sher Examples

कोतवाल के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • पुलिस का वह प्रधान कर्मचारी जिसके आधीन कई थाने और बहुत से सिपाही होते हैं, पुलिस नगर अधिकारी, क़िलादार

کوتْوال کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • محافظ شہر، پولیس کا افسر جس کے تحت شہر کا بڑا تھانہ ہو
  • محافظ، محافظ قلعہ، قلعہ دار

Synonyms of kotvaal

Showing search results for: English meaning of kotval, English meaning of kotwaal

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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