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Showing results for "'aa.idaat"


tax or rent etc. which is mandatory to be paid



habit, treatment, disposition

'aadat chho.Dnaa

qulfii-daar DaaT

'aadat bigaa.D denaa

'aadat pa.Dnaa

acquire a habit, be or get addicted

'aadat biga.Dnaa

'aadat bigaa.Dnaa

'aadat paka.Dnaa


'aadat kaa bigaa.D

habit disorder

'aadat biga.D jaanaa

DaT kar la.Dnaa


supernatural, beyond limits, surprising, abnormal

daaT pa.Dnaa

Daa.nT pa.Dnaa

be scolded


daa.nt jha.D pa.Dnaa

DaT ke kha.Daa honaa


supernatural, beyond limits, surprising, abnormal


supernatural, abnormal, unnatural, impossible, charisma

'illat jaa.e 'aadat na jaa.e

Daa.nT u.D jaanaa

'illat dho.e dhaa.e jaa.e, 'aadat kyo.nkar jaa.e


habits, customs, manners


habits, customs, manners, wonts




miracles, wonders

'illat dho.e dhaa.e jaa.e, 'aadat kabho na jaa.e

'illat dho.e dhaa.e jaa.e, 'aadat kabhii na jaa.e

'aadat chhuuTe dho.e dhaa.e aur 'illat na jaa.e

DaaT baa.ndhnaa

daa.nt u.Dnaa

daa.nt to.Dnaa

break the teeth (of)

daa.nt jha.Dnaa

teeth to fall out

daato.n paka.Dnaa

daa.nt a.Dnaa

daa.nt cha.Dhaanaa

daa.nt jhaa.Dnaa

cast a charm to cure toothache, knock out the teeth (of)

daa.nt phaa.Dnaa

to grin

daa.nt ukha.Dnaa

daa.nt nipo.Dnaa

to show the teeth, to grin, to laugh, to express or confess inability or helplessness, to whine, to cringe

daa.nt ka.Dka.Daanaa

(of the teeth) chatter (through cold, etc.)

daa.nt ukhe.Dnaa

extract a tooth

daa.nt uu.Dnaa

daa.nt ka.Da.Dnaa

daa.nt ukhaa.Dnaa

extract tooth (of someone)


phaav.De se daa.nt

Long teeth.

phaav.Daa se daa.nt

tooth like shovel, wide and ugly teeth

daa.nt ba.ndhvaanaa

daa.nt chahuu.Dnaa


habit of torture




abnormal event

daa.nto.n zamiin pak.Dnaa

be extremely poor


addicting, habit-forming, addictive

Meaning ofSee meaning 'aa.idaat in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2121

Singular: '

Root word: 'aud

Word Family: a-v-d

English meaning of 'aa.idaat

Noun, Masculine, Plural

  • tax or rent etc. which is mandatory to be paid

'आइदात के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, बहुवचन

  • वो कर या लगान आदि जिसका भुगतान करना अनिवार्य हो

عائِدات کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، جمع

  • وہ محصول یا لگان وغیرہ جو واجب الادا ہوں، واجبات

Showing search results for: English meaning of aaidaat, English meaning of aayidaat

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