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Showing results for "aa.nchal Daalnaa"


corner of stole (etc.)


aa.nchal lenaa

aa.nchal Daalnaa

to throw the sheet (over the head), āṅćal lenā to touch the border or hem of a guest's garment as a sign of welcome, to wipe the hands with the sheet of the bride's or bridegroom's mother (a ceremony in marriages)


the embroidered hem of a woman's sheet or mantle

aa.nchal paknaa

aa.nchal daabnaa


aa.nchal Dhalnaa

aa.nchal phaa.Dnaa

aa.nchal pakaanaa

aa.nchal Dalvaa.ii

aa.nchal phailaanaa

aa.nchal Dhalaknaa

aa.nchal ulaT denaa

to unveil one's face

aa.nchal ulaT jaanaa

to unveil one's face

aa.nchal sar par Daalnaa

to cover one's head in veil out of bashfulness and following an old tradition

aa.nchal mu.nh par rakhnaa

to hide one's face in veil out of bashfulness

aa.nchal mu.nh par lenaa

to hide one's face in veil out of bashfulness

baav na bataas teraa aa.nchal kyo.nkar Dolaa puut na bhataar teraa Dhe.nDaa kyo.nkar phuulaa

Meaning ofSee meaning aa.nchal Daalnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

aa.nchal Daalnaa

आँचल डालनाآنچَل ڈالْنا

English meaning of aa.nchal Daalnaa

Compound Verb

  • to throw the sheet (over the head), āṅćal lenā to touch the border or hem of a guest's garment as a sign of welcome, to wipe the hands with the sheet of the bride's or bridegroom's mother (a ceremony in marriages)

آنچَل ڈالْنا کے اردو معانی

فعل مرکب

  • عورتوں کی ایک رسم ہے کہ نکاح کے بعد جب دولھا دلھن کے گھر میں ادائے رسوم کے لئے کاتا ہے تو اس وقت دولھا کی بہنیں اس کے چہرے پر آن٘چل ڈال کر گھر میں لے جاتی ہیں اور اپنا نیگ مان٘گتی ہیں .

Showing search results for: English meaning of aanchal daalnaa, English meaning of anchal dalna

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aa.nchal Daalnaa

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