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Showing results for "aap sukhii to sab sukhii"

aap sukhii to sab sukhii

if you are good to others, they are good to you

aap sukhii to jag sukhii

tan sukhii to man sukhii

aap svaarthii sadaa dukhii par svaarthii sadaa sukhii

ghii gir pa.Daa to ubaalii suukhii hii bhaatii hai

ghii gir pa.Daa to ruukhii suukhii hii bhaatii hai

ghii gir gayaa to ruukhii suukhii hii bhaatii hai

aap chale bhu.ii.n sheKHii gaa.Dii par

aaGaa miir kii daa.ii sab siikhii sikhaa.ii

clever woman

aap me.n kyaa shaaKHe zaa'fraan lagii hai

peT sab kuchh sikhaa letaa hai

The belly teaches all art.

naanii to kuvaarii hii mar ga.ii, navaasii ke saa.Dhe satra baan

saKHii kii kamaa.ii me.n sab kaa saajhaa

aap giile me.n so.ii mujhe suukhe me.n sulaayaa

shaiKHii KHore se kahaa teraa ghar jalaa hai, kahaa balaa se merii shaiKHii to mere paas hai

shaiKHii KHore se kahaa teraa ghar jaltaa hai, kahaa balaa se merii shaiKHii to mere paas hai

Meaning ofSee meaning aap sukhii to sab sukhii in English, Hindi & Urdu

aap sukhii to sab sukhii

आप सुखी तो सब सुखीآپ سُکھی تو سَب سُکھی


English meaning of aap sukhii to sab sukhii

  • if you are good to others, they are good to you

आप सुखी तो सब सुखी के हिंदी अर्थ

  • यदि मनुष्य स्वयं अच्छा हो, तो दुनिया उसके साथ अच्छा व्यवहार करती है

آپ سُکھی تو سَب سُکھی کے اردو معانی

  • انسان خود اچھا ہو تو دنیا اُس کے ساتھ اچھا برتاؤ کرتی ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of aap sukhee to sab sukhee, English meaning of aap sukhi to sab sukhi

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aap sukhii to sab sukhii

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