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Showing results for "'adaalat-e-ibtidaa.ii"


a workshop, place of work


(Metaphorically) world, universe


a place of doing deed, which is this world


the world and the materials of the both world here and after world


workshop, factory, workplace of world


the world


(one) having know-how, experienced, versed


new earthen pitcher



ghaa.ii.n maa.ii.n kar denaa

gehuu.n de kar gaajre.n khaa.e.n

gah kar chhuuTnaa

guuh kar denaa

guuh se nikaal kar muut me.n Daalnaa

muut se nikaal kar guuh me.n Daalnaa

muut se nikaal kar guh me.n Daalnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'adaalat-e-ibtidaa.ii in English, Hindi & Urdu


'अदालत-ए-इब्तिदाईعَدالَتِ اِبْتِدائی

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12122122

English meaning of 'adaalat-e-ibtidaa.ii

Noun, Feminine

  • a court of original, in common law legal systems original jurisdiction of a court is the power to hear a case for the first time, as opposed to appellate jurisdiction, when a higher court has the power to review a lower court's decision

'अदालत-ए-इब्तिदाई के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • वो कचहरी या न्यायालय जिसमें पहले मुक़द्दमा दायर किया जाता था और बाद में ज़रूरी हुआ तो इससे बड़ी आदलत में स्थानांतरण कर दिया जाता है

عَدالَتِ اِبْتِدائی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • وہ عدالت جس میں پہلے مقدمہ دائر کیا جاتا تھا اور بعد میں ضروری ہوا تو اُس سے بڑی عادلت میں منتقل کر دیا جاتا ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of adaalateibtidaai, English meaning of adaalateibtidaayi

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