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Showing results for "'arz-begii"


width, breadth, extent



petition, representation, written statement






having breadth, broad, wide

'arz rakhnaa



usher, officer who puts up letters and appeals of people before a sovereign

'arz karnaa

request, apply



'arz irsaal

report, invoice, return


breadth and length



'arz guzaarnaa





memorandum, written petition, application, application, an address


petition, entreaty


'arz paziir honaa

'arz qabuul honaa


display of talents

'arz-pairaa honaa


the distance between a place and the equator that is expressed in letters in degrees and minutes

'arz paziir karnaa

'arz qabuul karnaa


'arz-rasaa honaa



expression of desire


submission statement of facts, statement, or representation, of a case, memorial, petition


manifestation of reality


Expression of desire and love


'arza karnaa

'arzii lagnaa

'arzii lagaanaa

'arzii taan.naa

file a suit, sue

'arzii taraash



the expanse of life, the expression of life


(geography) the distance from the equator to the North Pole or to the South Pole

'arzii Thoknaa

'arz maa'ruuz kaa iKHtiyaar milnaa


petition writer, scrivener

'arzii guzarnaa


the wherewithal an army

'arzii guzraanaa



stating happenings


'arzii guzaarnaa



petition of plaint, first pleading in a suit


expression of desire

Meaning ofSee meaning 'arz-begii in English, Hindi & Urdu


'अर्ज़-बेगीعَرْض بیگی

Vazn : 2122

English meaning of 'arz-begii

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Masculine

  • usher, officer who puts up letters and appeals of people before a sovereign

'अर्ज़-बेगी के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • बादशाह के सामने प्रार्थनाएँ और प्राथियों को पेश करने वाला व्यक्ति

عَرْض بیگی کے اردو معانی

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مذکر

  • ایک عہدہ دار، جو بادشاہ کے حضور میں لوگوں کی حاجتیں اور درخواستیں پڑھ کر سنائے یا پیش کرے، پیش کار

Showing search results for: English meaning of arjbegi, English meaning of arzbegee

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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