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Showing results for "baad-e-'aad"


ancient Semitic race, mentioned in the Qur'an


habit, treatment, disposition





habits, customs, manners, wonts



habits, customs, manners

'aad-e-aa'zam mushtarak

highest common factor (HCF)


habitual, addicted, used to, accustomed




habit of questioning, begging


addicting, habit-forming, addictive


habit of tyranny


habit of exaggerating, the habit of exaggerating an issue


one who acts equitably or justly



habit of God


natural habit


minister of justice


nature, habit of scorpion


habit of expenditure


second habit, strong habit


habit of delay


habitual, addict, conditioned


habit of arguing, habit of debating


addiction, obsession, habitualness


habit of agreement


habit of abstaining


habit of the nightingale


a constant habit


dark adaptation, the adjustment of the eye to low light intensities, involving reflex dilation of the pupil and activation of the rod cells in preference to the cone cells


habit of services


a mainstay habit


habit of torture


habit of appealing, complaining




related to habit

'aadaatus-saadaat, saadaat-ul-'aadaat


addictive, addicting, habit-forming

'aadat tabii'at-e-saaniya hai


habit of the wound of journey


habit and manners

'aadat siikhnaa


habit of lamenting and crying

'aadat pa.Dnaa

acquire a habit, be or get addicted

'aadat kii chiiz

something that gets addictive


character, personality, psyche, disposition, persona, temperament, propensity, habit


habitually, naturally

'aadat dho.e dhaa.e se jaatii hai 'illat nahii.n jaatii


just, fair, equitable, impartial, unbiased, fair-minded

'aadat biga.Dnaa

'aadat bigaa.Dnaa

'aadat paka.Dnaa

'aadat se majbuur honaa

'aadat kaa bigaa.D

habit disorder


'aadat chho.Dnaa

'aadat biga.D jaanaa


profession of judge, judgement, doing justice

Meaning ofSee meaning baad-e-'aad in English, Hindi & Urdu


बाद-ए-'आदبادِ عاد

Vazn : 2221

English meaning of baad-e-'aad

Persian, Arabic - Noun, Feminine

  • an extremely wind sent by God to annihilate sinful Aad, The catastrophe of the divine disaster that devastated the community of 'Aad' before Jesus in return of their sins (which is described in the Holy Quran)

Sher Examples

बाद-ए-'आद के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • वह दैवीय आपदा की आँधी जिसने ईसा पूर्व 'आद' सम्प्रदाय को उनके पापों के बदले में तबाह किया था (जिसका वर्णन पवित्र क़ुरान में आया है)

بادِ عاد کے اردو معانی

فارسی، عربی - اسم، مؤنث

  • وہ عذاب الہی کی آندھی جس نے قبل مسیح قوم عاد کو ان کے گناہوں کی پاداش میں تباہ کیا تھا (اورجس کا ذ کرقرآن پاک میں آیا ہے)

Showing search results for: English meaning of baadeaad, English meaning of badead

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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