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Showing results for "bagdaanaa"


mislead, ruin



(of a disease) be severe


to ruin, spoil, mar, vitiate



baag denaa

bigaa.D aanaa

la.Daa.ii biga.Dnaa

the situation is not adverse in war, being defeated

kap.Daa biga.Dnaa

muqaddar biga.Dnaa

to run out of luck

'izzat biga.Dnaa

'izzat bigaa.Dnaa

insult, disgrace, dishonour

muqaddama biga.Dnaa

dimaaGii tavaazun biga.Dnaa

go mad

vaqt biga.Dnaa

vaqt bigaa.Dnaa

qadam biga.Dnaa

aavaaz biga.Dnaa

taqdiir biga.Dnaa

kaaGaz biga.Dnaa

dimaaG bigaa.Dnaa

maGz biga.Dnaa

quful biga.Dnaa

naqsh big.Dnaa

paTTiyaa.n biga.Dnaa

'aadat biga.Dnaa

naqsh bigaa.Dnaa

'aadat bigaa.Dnaa

ravish biga.Dnaa

dashaa biga.Dnaa

'aaqibat biga.Dnaa

be damned by (one's) sinful conduct

'aaqibat bigaa.Dnaa

become a sinner, jeopardize chances of salvation, mar or jeopardize (one's) future state of bliss

fishaar biga.Dnaa

naqsha biga.Dnaa

a plan to go awry

naqsha bigaa.Dnaa

beat soundly, thrash

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

be displeased

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

make a wry face, frown, sulk, pout, grimace

naa'sh biga.Dnaa

mu.nh biga.Dnaa

the face to be soured, to be displeased, to have the taste blunted or depraved, to have a bad taste in the mouth

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

to make a wry face, to frown, scowl, to look sulky, to pout, to make faces, to spoil or disfigure the face (of another), to put one out of countenance, to leave a bad taste in the mouth

mizaaj kaa naqsha biga.Dnaa

mu.nh kaa maza biga.Dnaa

aave kaa aavaa biga.Dnaa

dil biga.Dnaa

miTTii biga.Dnaa

zaKHm biga.Dnaa

condition of wound to deteriorate, the condition of a wound getting bad rather than curing

badan biga.Dnaa

miTTii bigaa.Dnaa

mahfil biga.Dnaa

mahfil bigaa.Dnaa

zabaan biga.Dnaa

to become unidiomatic, (of someone) be using foul language

mizaaj biga.Dnaa

(Figurative) the temper to be spoiled, lose temper, to grow irritated, or angry, to get out of temper

ibtidaa biga.Dnaa

zabaan bigaa.Dnaa

spoil one's tongue, use foul language, use wrong words or idioms

mizaaj bigaa.Dnaa

taking to bad habits

kafan biga.Dnaa

aavaa bigaa.Dnaa

tevar biga.Dnaa

glower, scowl, mood or expression to sour, look angry

maraz biga.Dnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning bagdaanaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 222

English meaning of bagdaanaa

Transitive verb

बगदाना के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

  • वापस कराना, पीछे हटाना, भ्रम में डालना, भ्रमित करना, बरबाद करना, नष्ट करना, तबाह करना

بَگْدانا کے اردو معانی

فعل متعدی

  • واپس کرانا، پیچھے ہٹانا، گمراہ کرنا، خراب کرنا، تباہ کرنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of bagdana

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