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Showing results for "bar-vaqt"


at an unusual time, at an ungodly hour, out of season, unseasonable, untimely, mistimed, ill-timed, suddenly


at (some specified time), at the time of, in the right time, exactly on time

be-vaqt kii shanaa.ii

be-vaqt kii shahnaa.ii

be-vaqt kii bhairavii.n

something untimely or inopportune, an untimely remark

be-vaqt kaa raag

something untimely or inopportune, an untimely remark

be-vaqt kaa alaap

be-vaqt kii raaginii

something untimely or inopportune, an untimely remark

be-vaqt kii suujhnaa


at the time of prayer





disrespecting, injuring one's honor, dishonoring

vaqt kaa ronaa be-vaqt kii ha.nsii se achchhaa

it is better to weep in season than to laugh out of season

Meaning ofSee meaning bar-vaqt in English, Hindi & Urdu


बर-वक़्तبَر وَقْت

Vazn : 221

English meaning of bar-vaqt

Persian, Arabic - Adverb

  • on time, apt, in place, in the nick of time

    Example - Bar-waqt kaam kar ke diqqat se bachaa ja sakta hai

Sher Examples

बर-वक़्त के हिंदी अर्थ

फ़ारसी, अरबी - क्रिया-विशेषण

  • ठीक समय पर, उचित समय पर, मौके पर, ठीक ज़रूरत के समय

    उदाहरण - बर-वक़्त काम करके दिक़्क़त से बचा जा सकता है

بَر وَقْت کے اردو معانی

فارسی، عربی - فعل متعلق

  • عین موقع پر، وقت پر، بالکل صحیح وقت پر، بر محل، ٹھیک ضرورت کے وقت

    مثال - بر وقت کام کر کے دقت سے بچا جا سکتا ہے

Synonyms of bar-vaqt

Rhyming words of bar-vaqt

Showing search results for: English meaning of barvakt, English meaning of barvaqt

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