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Showing results for "buu.nd-buu.nd"


drop by drop, by drops, every drop of, to the last drop


drop, raindrop

buu.nd kii buu.nd

doubly distilled (spirits), distilled

buu.nd pa.Dnaa


buu.nd jha.Dnaa

buu.nd chuvaanaa


woman who easily becomes pregnant, ready to conceive

buu.nd karnaa

buu.nd churaanaa

to secrete semen, to conceive (a woman)

buu.nd Tapaknaa

ooze, trickle, bleed

buu.nd maarnaa

buu.nd thamnaa


a slight shower



all over (the body), in every joint, every point


as much as a drop, very little

jaa.De ko buu.nd

tave kii buu.nd

when a drop falls on the hot pan, it burns off immediately, Metaphorically: unsustainable thing not durable or lasting,

buu.nd saa din

tel kii buu.nd

halq me.n buu.nD pa.Dnaa

buu.nd bhar kaa

buu.nd ho jaanaa

disappear by going very far or high

tatte tave kii buu.nd

tave par buu.nd honaa

do buu.nd ko tarasnaa

buu.nd kaa chuukaa gha.Daa Dhalkaa.e

lack of timeliness will not set the matters right, whatever is done

tatte tavae kii buu.nd honaa

jalte tave kii buu.nd honaa

chiknaa gha.Daa buu.nd pa.Dii Dhal ga.ii

shameless person is never affected by insult or taunt

chikne gha.De par buu.nd nahii.n Thahartii

peT me.n pa.Dii buu.nd naam rakhaa mahmuud

chikne gha.De par buu.nd pa.Dii aur phisal pa.Dii

vo paanii multaan gayaa vo buu.nd vilaayat ga.ii

band-band to.Dnaa

band-band jaka.Dnaa

to seize all the joints (rheumatism), feel pain in every joint (or all over the body) be dead tired

band-band paka.Dnaa

all the joints to become stiff

bond- holder

تمسک دار

band-band chhuuTnaa

band-band dukhnaa

have a muscular pain, have shooting pain through nerves

bond holder

بانڈ کا مالک



Prize bond

band band judaa karnaa

hack into pieces, unscrew all parts

band-band judaa honaa


restriction, restraint, hindrance



drip-drop, very light shower of rain, drizzle



bond paper

بانڈ کاغذ

band baa.ndhnaa

build a dam

band band TuuTnaa

joints to pain, be dead tired

band-band Dhiilaa karnaa

band-band Dhiilaa honaa




a trick in wrestling

band chhu.Daanaa

kivaa.D band honaa

closing of the door

Dev.Dhii band honaa

kivaa.D band ho ga.e

There's no one for whom the door of the house should be opened

Meaning ofSee meaning buu.nd-buu.nd in English, Hindi & Urdu


बूँद-बूँदبُوند بُونْد

Vazn : 2121

English meaning of buu.nd-buu.nd

Noun, Feminine

  • drop by drop, by drops, every drop of, to the last drop

Sher Examples

बूँद-बूँद के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • बूँद से बूँद, हर बूँद से, आख़िरी बूँद तक, हर एक क़तरा

بُوند بُونْد کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • ہرایک قطرہ، آخری قطرہ

Showing search results for: English meaning of boondboond, English meaning of bundbund

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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