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work, labour, service, employment, business, office, post


hope, expectation



one in command, officer, agent, executive



'amal denaa


government, territory under control, authority, sway


the book in which the angel (Kiraman Katbin) writes the deeds of every person, the book of deeds



'amal lenaa




'amal honaa

(order) be obeyed or acted upon

'amal paTTa

deed appointing an agent or manager, warrant authorizing the collection of rents of an estate


emulator, follower, doer




one who has command, or who exercises authority, an administrative officer, a native collector- plural

'amal paanaa


based on action


'amal karnaa



catalysis, the process of increasing the rate of a chemical reaction by adding a substance known as a catalyst

'amal pa.Dhnaa

recite a magical formula or incantation

'amal uThnaa



'amal chalnaa


action, action according to an advice, emulation

'amal badalnaa


administration, government, limits of jurisdiction, the district governed, a collectorship


person who pronounces charm spell, incantation

'amal bharnaa


that which has come into operation, a proceeding, process

'amal baiThnaa

'amal uThaanaa

'amal phuu.nknaa


the process of heating a metal in a furnace fire and extinguishing it in water or another liquid

'amal biThaanaa


'amal me.n aanaa

'amal me.n laanaa





wrong use of something





to exhibit an enema


coagulation, process of coagulating (as in albumen, blood, milk, etc.), clotting, curdling, setting




good deeds


administrator of equality

'amal-paziir honaa


'amal-paanii karnaa

'amal-pairaa honaa

act upon

Meaning ofSee meaning chhalaavaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 122

English meaning of chhalaavaa

Noun, Masculine

  • a ghost that flits about
  • elusive or delusive thing or person
  • will-o-the-wisp, a light seen on marshy land supposed to be due to spontaneous combustion of gas from decaying organic matter which is believed to mislead travellers mirage
  • will-o'-the-wisp, ignis fatuus, phosphorescent light seen on marshy ground


  • fidgety, coquettish

Sher Examples

छलावा के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • दलदल या जंगलों में रह रहकर दिखाई पड़नेवाला वह प्रकाश जो मृत शरीरों की हड्डियों में छिपे हए फासफोरस के जल उठने से उत्पन्न होता है। विशेष-इसी को लोग अगिया वैताल या उल्कामुख (प्रेत के मुख से निकलनेवाली आग) भी कहते हैं। मुहा०-छलावा खेलना = अगिया वैताल का इधर-उधर दिखाई पड़ना।
  • भूत-प्रेत आदि की वह छाया जो एक बार सामने आकर अदृश्य हो जाती है।
  • धोखा; छल।

چَھلاوا کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • وہ روشنی جو قبرستان میں یا دلدلی مقامات پر دکھائی دیتی ہے یہ ہڈیوں کے فاسفورس یا گیس کے ہوا میں آنے سے پیدا ہوتی ہے (جاہل لوگ اسے بھوت سمجھتے ہیں)، اگیا نیتال، غول بیابانی
  • جسے قرار نہ ہو، جو ابھی کہیں ہو اور ابھی کہیں، پارے کی سی خاصیت رکھنے والا، جادو کی طرح نظر آکر فوراَ غائب ہو جانے والا
  • (سیف بازی) حریف پروار کرنے سے قبل بھرت کے ساتھ تلوار جھکانے اور اس کی نظر ہٹا نے کا ڈھن٘گ
  • شعبدہ باز، طلسم دکھانے والا، اندر جال کرنے والا
  • چھل دینے والا، فریب دینے والا
  • شوخی، چنچل پن، چلبلا پن، ناز و ادا
  • دھوکا فریب

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Rhyming words of chhalaavaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of chalaavaa, English meaning of chalava

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