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Showing results for "chor-paisaa"


the copper coin (paisā) introduced by the English (so called because it is half the thickness of the old native paisā)


money, wealth


the copper coin (paisa) introduced by the English (so called because it is half the thickness of the old native paisa)

chaar paise kaa mazduur

chaar paise vaalaa

chaar paise paidaa karnaa

chaar paise se KHush

chaar paise kamaanaa

chaar paise ke liye

chaar pese Dolii par hai

chaar paise ke saare khel hai.n

chaar paise paas honaa

do-chaar paise kii auqaat honaa

having a modest income, to be poor, to be needy

do paise Dolii se chaar paise Dolii hai

it's not too far, it's very near

jis ke chaar paise lo unhe.n halaal kar ke khaa.o

Meaning ofSee meaning chor-paisaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


चोर-पैसाچور پَیسا

English meaning of chor-paisaa

  • the copper coin (paisā) introduced by the English (so called because it is half the thickness of the old native paisā)

چور پَیسا کے اردو معانی

  • ڈبل پیسا جو خاک میں گر کر مشکل سے پایا جاتا جاتا ہے ، انگریزی پیسہ جو پرانے پیسہ سے موٹائی میں نصف ہوتا تھا

Showing search results for: English meaning of chorpaisa, English meaning of chorpaisaa

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