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Showing results for "chullaa"


small glass ring which installed in the loom of weavers


handful, hollow of the hand, cupped palm



one who plays mischievous pranks, prankster


string of the bow


a kind of fried egg


a period of forty days or night


سُرخ مرچ Capsicum frutescens جو کھانے میں مسالے کے طور پر استعمال ہوتی ہے.

chillaa pa.Dhnaa

chillaa kaa.Dhnaa

chulluu chulluu saadhegaa to dvaare haathii baa.ndhegaa

chillaa cha.Dhaanaa

string or bend a bow

chilla to.Dnaa

chille kaa jaa.Daa

very cold winter

chilla biga.Dnaa

chulluu me.n ulluu aur loTe me.n gu.Dgap

chilla cha.Dhaanaa

chillaa ba.ndhvaanaa

chilla ba.ndhvaanaa

chillaa baa.ndhnaa

tie a thread or string as a vow, etc. make a vow

chulluu baa.ndhnaa

chillaa ba.ndhnaa

chilla baa.ndhnaa

chilla ba.ndhnaa

chulluu chulluu saadhegaa to loTe bhar par aavegaa

chulluu bhar paanii me.n gaz bhar uchhalnaa

chille kaa bachchaa

chulluu bhar paanii me.n gaz bhar na uchhlo

chilla dharnaa

chillaa khii.nchnaa

pass forty consecutive days in fasting and worship in seclusion (compound with chahl)

chulluu chulluu saadhnaa

sip, habit of drinking by gradual increase

chulluu bhar paanii me.n Duub marnaa

chulluu bhar paanii me.n Duub maro

for shame! you should be ashamed of yourself

chulluu bhar paanii me.n Duubnaa

chilla khii.nchnaa

chulluu me.n ulluu honaa

become tight as an owl, become drunk on a sip or a mouthful (of strong drink)

chulluu lenaa

chillaa kaaanaa

pass forty consecutive days in fasting and worship in seclusion

chillaa karnaa

chulluu lagaanaa

chille kaa biit

chulluu challo paanaa

chillaa utarnaa

chillaa kholnaa

chulluu paanii, tang zindagaanii

chulluu bharnaa

chilla karnaa

chilla TuuTnaa

chilla Daalnaa

chilla nahaanaa

chulluu se paanii piinaa

drink water out of the hollow of the hand

chilla khulnaa

chilla utarnaa

chilla utaarnaa

chulluu bhar KHuun piinaa

chulluu bhar paanii me.n Duub marnaa chaahiye

for shame! you should be ashamed of yourself

chille kaa nahaan

chilla kaaTnaa

chilla kholnaa

chilla baiThnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning chullaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 22

See meaning: chuulhaa

English meaning of chullaa

Hindi - Noun, Masculine

  • small glass ring which installed in the loom of weavers

Sanskrit - Adjective

  • naughty

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चुल्ला के हिंदी अर्थ

हिंदी - संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • जुलाहों के करघे में का कांच का छोटा छल्ला

संस्कृत - विशेषण

  • चिलबिल्ला, नटखट, पाजी

چُلّا کے اردو معانی

ہندی - اسم، مذکر

  • جلاہے کے کرگھے میں لگنے والا کانچ کا چھوٹا چھلا

سنسکرت - صفت

  • چلبلا، نٹ کھٹ، پاجی

Rhyming words of chullaa

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