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Showing results for "daab baiThnaa"

daab baiThnaa

repress, keep down, sit heavily upon, take unlawful possession of, usurp, embezzle, encroach upon, do violence, violate

daab biThaanaa

exercise authority over, rule, subdue, bring under control, restrain

pahluu daab kar baiThnaa

sit very near to someone, be in close company (to gain something)

Meaning ofSee meaning daab baiThnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

daab baiThnaa

दाब बैठनाداب بَیٹْھنا


Root word: daab

English meaning of daab baiThnaa

दाब बैठना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • बलपूर्वक कूकर्म करना, बलपुर्वक अधिकार जमा लेना, ग़सब कर लेना, एंठ लेना, छीन लेना
  • चढ़ बैठना, सवारी करना
  • मुल्क या जायदाद बलपुर्वक अधिकार जमा लेना, माल मार लेना, एँठ लेना, छीन लेना, दबोच लेना

داب بَیٹْھنا کے اردو معانی


  • زبردستی فعل شنیع کا مرتکب ہونا
  • چڑھ بیٹھنا، سواری کرنا
  • ملک یا جائداد غصب کر لینا، زبردستی قبضہ یا غصب کر لینا، کسی کا حق نہ دینا، مال مار لینا، اینٹھ لینا، چھین لینا، دبوچ لینا

Urdu meaning of daab baiThnaa


  • zabardastii feane shaniia ka murtqib honaa
  • cha.Dh baiThnaa, savaarii karnaa
  • mulak ya jaayadaad Gasab kar lenaa, zabardastii qabzaa ya Gasab kar lenaa, kisii ka haq na denaa, maal maar lenaa, i.inTh lenaa, chhiin lenaa, daboch lenaa

Related searched words

daab baiThnaa

repress, keep down, sit heavily upon, take unlawful possession of, usurp, embezzle, encroach upon, do violence, violate

daab biThaanaa

exercise authority over, rule, subdue, bring under control, restrain

pahluu daab kar baiThnaa

sit very near to someone, be in close company (to gain something)

Showing search results for: English meaning of dab baithna

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