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Showing results for "gaalii"


shame, bashfulness, compunction, qualm, ignominy


temporary, transitory, transient, short-lived, interim, provisional


loss, defeat, cultivated land surrounding village, cultivated tract, plot or allotment of ground, field, pasturage, necklace, string of flowers worn round the neck, garland, amulet, forming nouns and adjectives, denoting performer of an action

'aar karnaa

shun due to qualm of conscience

'aar lagnaa

'aar uThnaa

'aar rakhnaa

'aar lagaanaa

'aar dilaanaa

'aar uThaanaa

'aar samajhnaa


wise, knowing, enlightened, godly, pious, mystic


side of the face, cheeks

'aar aanaa

'aar honaa

feel shame, regard (something) as disgraceful or below dignity

'aar lenaa

'aar mahsuus karnaa


sickness, disease, disorder, illness, affection


pure arabs, the oldest inhabitants of the arabian peninsula



on loan, borrowed, for some time





naked, nude, denuded (of), bare



sosome one who owns the (skys) Arsh


borrowed, transient, lent



mystical, spiritual, religious

'aarii karnaa

'aariz honaa

suffer from, befall, prove an obstacle (to), debar


borrowed, transient, borrowing for temporary use, loan


an old writing style of 'aroosi', bridal, nuptial, marriage, wedding

'aariz karnaa


saint, hermit, ascetic, very close to Allah, mystic, one having an intimate knowledge of God



cheeks of hourie or beautiful woman


temporary abode, i.e. the world, the mortal world


one having an intimate knowledge of God, saint, hermit, ascetic, very close to Allah, mystic

'aariyatan lenaa

borrow for temporary use

'aarii aanaa


'aarzii hukuumat

provisional government, short term government




'aarii honaa




chief officer of military office

'aariza laahiq honaa

fall ill, be sick, contact (a disease)




the cheeks of beloved


flower-colored cheeks


arrangement on temporary basis



rosy cheek

'aariza laahiq ho jaanaa

Meaning ofSee meaning gaalii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 22

English meaning of gaalii

Noun, Feminine

  • abuse, swear word, abusive word or expression
  • an abusive or contumelious expression, foul or insulting language

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Sher Examples

गाली के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • रोष में आकर कही गई अपमानजनक उक्ति, अपशब्द, अशिष्ट बात, दुर्वचन, अप शब्द
  • कलंक या निंदा की बात
  • शादी-विवाह आदि के अवसर पर महिलाओं द्वारा गाए जाने वाले (गाली से युक्त) लोकगीत, परिहास गीत

گالی کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • دشنام، بد زبانی، فحش بات
  • گالم گلوچ
  • وہ پتھر کا پیالہ نما ظرف جس کو زمین میں گاڑتے اور اس میں کوئی چیز رکھ کر موصل سے کوٹتے ہیں

Synonyms of gaalii

Compound words of gaalii

Showing search results for: English meaning of gaalee, English meaning of gaali

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