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Showing results for "guuda.D se peT bhar diyaa"

guuda.D se peT bhar diyaa

bhar haath chuu.Dii, paT se raa.nD

daa.ii se peT nahii.n chhuptaa

daa.ii se peT chhupaanaa

try to conceal from one who is in the know of things, attempt to conceal from one who is in the know

kahii.n daa.ii se peT chhupaa hai

kahii.n daa.ii se peT chhuptaa hai

peT se baahar paa.nv nikaalnaa

peT se paa.nv baahar nikaalnaa

show one's claws, take up a threatening attitude, show one's evil nature, show arrogance

Meaning ofSee meaning guuda.D se peT bhar diyaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

guuda.D se peT bhar diyaa

गूदड़ से पेट भर दियाگُودَڑسے پیٹ بَھر دِیا


गूदड़ से पेट भर दिया के हिंदी अर्थ

  • हीले बहाने से बातें बनाकर सहमत कर दिया

گُودَڑسے پیٹ بَھر دِیا کے اردو معانی

  • حیلے حوالے سے باتیں بنا کر راضی کر دیا

Showing search results for: English meaning of goodad se pet bhar diya, English meaning of goodad se pet bhar diyaa

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guuda.D se peT bhar diyaa

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