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Showing results for "ihtiqaar"


shame, bashfulness, compunction, qualm, ignominy


temporary, transitory, transient, short-lived, interim, provisional


naked, nude, denuded (of), bare


side of the face, cheeks


wise, knowing, enlightened, godly, pious, mystic


awl, a tool used for piercing holes in paper or leather, etc. or for stitching

'aar aanaa

'aar honaa

feel shame, regard (something) as disgraceful or below dignity

'aar lenaa


sickness, disease, disorder, illness, affection

'aar karnaa

shun due to qualm of conscience

'aar lagnaa

'aar uThnaa

'aar dilaanaa

'aar rakhnaa




pure arabs, the oldest inhabitants of the arabian peninsula



'aar lagaanaa

'aar uThaanaa


sosome one who owns the (skys) Arsh


'aar samajhnaa


borrowed, transient, borrowing for temporary use, loan


borrowed, transient, lent


mystical, spiritual, religious



'aar mahsuus karnaa


an old writing style of 'aroosi', bridal, nuptial, marriage, wedding



on loan, borrowed, for some time

'aarii aanaa



'aarii honaa


anything natural or man-made behind which one can hide, cover, covert, hide, screen, fence, wall

'aariz honaa

suffer from, befall, prove an obstacle (to), debar



saint, hermit, ascetic, very close to Allah, mystic, one having an intimate knowledge of God


cheeks of hourie or beautiful woman


one having an intimate knowledge of God, saint, hermit, ascetic, very close to Allah, mystic



'aariz karnaa


ancient Semitic race, mentioned in the Qur'an

'aarii karnaa


temporary abode, i.e. the world, the mortal world


bright cheek


rosy cheek




darkness, especially the dimness of the eyes owing to weakness or weariness


the cheeks of beloved



arrangement on temporary basis



'aarzii hukuumat

provisional government, short term government

Meaning ofSee meaning ihtiqaar in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2121

Word Family: h-q-r

English meaning of ihtiqaar

Noun, Masculine

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accumulating, hoarding trade goods, especially food grain, etc. in expectation of later rise in its prices


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इहतिक़ार के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

اِحْتِقار کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • حقارت، تحقیر، حقیر جاننا

Synonyms of ihtiqaar

Showing search results for: English meaning of ihtikaar, English meaning of ihtikar

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