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Showing results for "imaam"


work, labour, service, employment, business, office, post


an official, a subordinate officer, a (native) clerk


person who pronounces charm spell, incantation


based on action





'amal lenaa





action and word


one in command, officer, agent, executive

'amal honaa

(order) be obeyed or acted upon

'amal paanaa

'amal denaa


'amal paTTa

deed appointing an agent or manager, warrant authorizing the collection of rents of an estate

'amal karnaa






the book in which the angel (Kiraman Katbin) writes the deeds of every person, the book of deeds

'amal chalnaa

'amal uThnaa


government, territory under control, authority, sway


emulator, follower, doer




'amal bharnaa







'amal baiThnaa

'amal uThaanaa

'amal biThaanaa


'amal badalnaa



action, action according to an advice, emulation




'amal uTh jaanaa


an incantation to subdue someone in love

'amal pa.Dhnaa

recite a magical formula or incantation


that which has come into operation, a proceeding, process


'amal phuu.nknaa

'amal ulaT jaanaa

'amal uThaa lenaa

'amal baiTh jaanaa

'amal me.n aanaa


(anatomy) using a scissor or knife while doing surgery


one who has command, or who exercises authority, an administrative officer, a native collector- plural

'amal me.n laanaa


alchemy, turning into gold, a form of chemistry in the Middle Ages which involved trying to discover how to change ordinary metals into gold


Meaning ofSee meaning imaam in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Plural: a.imma

English meaning of imaam

Noun, Masculine

  • one who stands before or is followed in prayers, minister or reader of a mosque
  • one who is followed or imitated, patriarch, priest
  • exemplar, guide, leader, head, head of a religion (and especially of the Mohammadan religion )
  • the title of Ali's (the son in law of Prophet Mohammad) son
  • any one of the twelve leaders of the Shiites
  • a large bead in a rosary (which remains fixed in the hand, and is not turned over in counting)
  • honorific title of an erudite scholar (generally of religious knowledge or any branch of it)
  • the flag or standard borne in procession before the taziya on the first ten days of Moharram

Sher Examples

इमाम के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • नमाज़ पढ़ाने वाला, जो नमाज़ में अग्रणि हो या संचालन कराए
  • मुसलमानों के धार्मिक कृत्य कराने वाला मनुष्य, धार्मिक नेता, पेशवा, पथ-प्रदर्शक, पुरोहित
  • नेता, अग्रसर, अगुआ
  • अली के बेटों की उपाधि
  • मुसलमानों की तसबीह या माला का सुमेर
  • किसी विशेष विद्या या कला का विशेषज्ञ
  • पताका या झंडा जो महर्रम के प्रांभिक दस दिनों में ताज़िया के जुलूस में आगे-आगे रहता है

اِمام کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • نماز پڑھانے والا، پیش امام
  • کسی جماعت کا مقتدا، پیشوا، رہبر
  • لیڈر، نیتا، سردار، اگوا
  • علی کے بیٹوں کا لقب: امام حسن، امام حسین
  • تسبیح میں لگائی جانے معمول سے زیادہ لمبی موتی جو تسبیح کے ایک گردش مکمل ہونے کی نشانی ہوتی ہے
  • کسی خاص علم یا فن کا ماہر
  • علم جو محرم کے ابتدائی دس دنوں میں تعزیہ کے جلوس میں پیش پیش رہتا ہے

Synonyms of imaam

Antonyms of imaam

Showing search results for: English meaning of imam

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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