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Showing results for "jaam uchhaalnaa"


make famous, promote, scatter, stimulate or excite, throw up, toss up, send up with a jerk, to bounce/fling/toss

lahuu uchhaalnaa

kulaah uchhaalnaa

throw up the someone's cap, (meaning), to insult, to humiliate, to dishonor

guuh uchhaalnaa

'aib uchhaalnaa


'amaama uchhaalnaa

zahr uchhaalnaa

dil haatho.n uchhaalnaa

guu uchhaalnaa

to throw up dung or filth, to sully (one's own) good name, to bring disgrace upon oneself

naam uchhaalnaa

defame, blow upon, vilify, reproach, to bandy (one's) name about, to make a by-word (of), to bring disgrace (upon), the name (of a person) to be tossed or bandied about (among), one's good name to be destroyed, to become a by-word (among men) uchhaalnaa

junuu.n uchhaalnaa

KHuun uchhaalnaa

jaam uchhaalnaa

abstain from drinking wine

dastaar uchhaalnaa

pag.Dii uchhaalnaa

disgrace, defame

joban uchhaalnaa

Topii uchhaalnaa

to jump with joy

duudh uchhaalnaa

dastambuu uchhaalnaa

gandagii uchhaalnaa

malign or defame (someone), speak ill of

tel uchhaalnaa

kiicha.D uchhaalnaa

indulge in mud-slinging

thuuk uchhaalnaa

to argue unjustly, gossip

Galiiz uchhaalnaa

gand uchhaalnaa

wash dirty linen in public

chuuta.D uchhaalnaa

do-lattii uchhaalnaa

Duubaa naam uchhaalnaa

Duube naam ko uchhaalnaa

ghar kaa naam uchhaalnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning jaam uchhaalnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

jaam uchhaalnaa

जाम उछालनाجام اُچھالْنا


Root word: jaam

English meaning of jaam uchhaalnaa

  • abstain from drinking wine

जाम उछालना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • शराब का प्याला पेंक देना, शराब पीने से रोकना

جام اُچھالْنا کے اردو معانی

  • شراب کا پیالہ پھینک دینا، شراب پینے سے باز رکھنا

Showing search results for: English meaning of jaam uchaalnaa, English meaning of jam uchalna

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jaam uchhaalnaa

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