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jama' honaa

to be collected, to assemble, gather, flock, to be composed or at ease

masaala jama' honaa

jarge jama' honaa

ausaan jama' honaa

relieving of anxiety or depression

telii-ta.nbolii jama' honaa

gathering of people of low-caste

'aalam ikaTThaa jama' honaa

melaa-saa jama' honaa

to be gathered, noise, warm celebration

chaar suurate.n jama' honaa

some people gather or congregate

jaama qata' honaa

jaama me.n honaa

be conscious, take care of fixed limits and restrictions

jaama qabaa honaa

jaama honaa

sadaaqat kaa jaama pahne honaa

ho.nTo.n par lakhoTaa jamaa honaa

jaama se baahar honaa

jamaa'at honaa

farsh-e-zamii.n honaa

to be ruined, destroyed

jamaa'at tayyaar honaa

jamaa'at khaDii honaa

baa.ns kii ja.D me.n ghamuu.e jame honaa

jaame me.n honaa

zimma honaa

jaame se baahar honaa

go berserk, become frenzied, be beside oneself with rage or glee, run amok, be unable to control oneself

apne jaame se baahar honaa

live beyond one's means, be unable to control one's passion or emotions, be beside oneself with anger or joy

'azm fasq honaa

'aazim-e-nabard-gaah honaa

'azm-e-raftan fasq honaa

tabii'at me.n jam' honaa

to memorize, to remember, to keep in mind

'azm fasKH honaa

hosh jam' honaa

good sense to return, to recover one's sense

havaas jam' honaa

to have the senses right or about one

'arsh-e-aa'zam par mizaaj honaa

jama' hone kii jagah

rendezvous, meeting place, nucleus, centre

nayaa 'azm paidaa honaa

ulluu siidhaa honaa kaa jaam

'aazim-e-maidaan honaa

'aazim-e-ravaangii honaa

'aazim-e-safar honaa

'aazim-e-masaaf honaa

'azm Dhiilaa honaa

'azm puKHta honaa

jaam sar-niguu.n honaa

jaam labrez honaa

something to come to an end, reach the end of one's life

zam kaa pahluu paidaa honaa

zo'm honaa

zo'm-e-be-jaa honaa

to be egoist, to be arrogant

zam honaa

'aazim-e-sitez honaa

jaam honaa

jam honaa

to be collected, to assemble, gather, flock, to be composed or at ease (in respect of)

jaam KHaalii honaa

jaam pur honaa

'aazim-e-jang honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning jama' honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

jama' honaa

जमा' होनाجَمع ہونا


See meaning: jama' karnaa

English meaning of jama' honaa

  • to be collected, to assemble, gather, flock, to be composed or at ease

जमा' होना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • एक राय या निर्णय पर सहमत होना, इकट्ठा होना, एकत्र होना

جَمع ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • کسی رائے یا فیصلے پر متفق ہونا، اکٹھا ہونا، یکجا ہونا

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