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Showing results for "jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa"

jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa

nothing comes out of a sack but what is put in it, what is in the heart the tongue speaks

jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii Do.ii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so vahii chamchii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii me.n hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

jo baa.nDii me.n hogaa vo Do.ii me.n niklegaa

vahii hogaa jo qismat kaa me.n hai

haa.nDii me.n jo ho so vahii Do.ii me.n aave hai

haa.nDii me.n jo ho so vahii chamchii me.n aave hai

haa.nDii me.n jo hotaa hai so vahii chamchii me.n nikaltaa hai

vauhii hogaa jo qismat me.n likhaa hai

Meaning ofSee meaning jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa

जो हाँडी में होगा , वही निकलेगाجو ہانْڈی میں ہوگا ، وَہی نِکلے گا

English meaning of jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa

  • nothing comes out of a sack but what is put in it, what is in the heart the tongue speaks

Showing search results for: English meaning of jo haandee men hogaa, English meaning of vahee niklegaa

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jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa

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