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name of a mixed tribe or caste of Hindus (sprung from a Kshatriya father and shudra mother), the writer caste

kaayath aur kashmiirii me.n ba.Daa ittifaaq hai

there is much similarity between two sects

kaayath kaa beTaa pa.Dhaa bhalaa yaa maraa bhalaa

kaayath kaa hathiyaar qalam hai

kaayath kii khoprii


kaayatho.n me.n sab se chhoTe aur bhaa.nDo.n me.n sab se ba.De kii kambaKHtii hai

kyaa thaa

kyaa Thikaanaa

kyaa Thiik hai

kyaa Thikaanaa hai

expressing uncertainty or doubt about something or someone, there is no certainty! there is no limitation

kyaa thaa kyaa hu.aa

kyaa thaa aur kyaa ho gayaa

chhalnii chammaa, gho.D lagammaa kaa.eth gulammaa ye tiino.n nahii.n ko.ii kammaa

Meaning ofSee meaning kaayath in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 22

Tags: Caste Hinduism

English meaning of kaayath

Noun, Feminine

  • name of a mixed tribe or caste of Hindus (sprung from a Kshatriya father and shudra mother), the writer caste
  • a man of that caste, a writer, scribe, clerk

कायथ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

  • इस जाति के लोग प्रायः लिखने-पढ़ने का काम करते है और पंजाब को छोड़ प्रायः सारे उत्तर भारत में पाए जाते हैं, एक लिपिक जाति, कायस्थ
  • उस जाति का व्यक्ति, लिपिक, कलर्क, मुंशी

کایَتھ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • ایک ہندو ذات کا نام، جس کے افراد کا کام عموماً نوشت و خواند اور منشی گری ہے نیز اس ذات کا ایک فرد، کایستھ
  • اس ذات کا فرد، منشی، محرر

Synonyms of kaayath

Showing search results for: English meaning of kayath, English meaning of qaayath

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