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Showing results for "kachche-din"


raw, uncooked, unripe



early months of pregnancy when there is a risk of miscarriage, which lasts for eight months, pregnancy days



small girls-boys


the child who born before the time, dis-balanced, god and bad, raw and cooked

kachche baa.ns jidhar jhukaa.o jhuk jaate hai.n

bend twig while it is young


tacking, basting


first half of pregnancy, the first four or five months of pregnancy

kachche gha.De kii cha.Dhnaa

be tipsy

kachche gha.De kii piinaa

kachche dhaage me.n laTaknaa

kachche gha.De paanii bharnaa

to bring water with a pitcher of uncooked clay

kachche gha.De paanii bharvaanaa

lit. 'to make (one) bring water with a pitcher of unbaked clay', to make one pass through a difficult ordeal

kachche dhaage se ba.ndhnaa

kachche gha.De me.n paanii bharvaanaa

To make one to undertake a difficult or impossible job.

kachche dhaage me.n ba.ndhe aanaa

come submissively

kachche kaa khet

kachche gha.De kii

cheap or home-made liquor

kachche dhaage me.n ba.ndhnaa


children, little ones

abhii kachche gha.De paanii ke bharne hai.n

paanii ke kachche gha.De bharvaanaa

ask someone to do something impossible

Meaning ofSee meaning kachche-din in English, Hindi & Urdu


कच्चे-दिनکَچّے دِن

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 222

Root word: kachche

Tags: Feminine Colloquial

English meaning of kachche-din

Noun, Masculine

  • early months of pregnancy when there is a risk of miscarriage, which lasts for eight months, pregnancy days

कच्चे-दिन के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • गर्भावस्था के शुरुआती महीने, जब गर्भपात का खतरा ज़्यादा होता है, जो आठ महीने तक होता है, कच्चे दिनों में बहू को गाड़ी में नहीं बैठने दूंगी, गर्भावस्था के दिन

کَچّے دِن کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • حمل کا ابتدائی زمانہ جب حمل کے ساقط ہونے کا اندیشہ رہتا ہے، حمل کا زمانہ جو آٹھ مہینے تک ہوتا ہے، ایامِ حمل، کچے دنوں میں بہو کو گاڑی میں نہیں بیٹھنے دوں گی

Showing search results for: English meaning of kachchedin, English meaning of qachchedin

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