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Showing results for "KHushk honaa"

KHushk honaa

dry, be dried, be parched

dimaaG KHushk honaa

mu.nh KHushk honaa

mu.nh KHushk honaa

zaKHm KHushk honaa

of a wound to dry up

badan KHushk honaa

dam KHushk honaa

be afraid

zabaan KHushk honaa

to be left dry-tongued, to speak a lot, loquaciousness

dahan KHushk honaa

halq KHushk honaa

duudh KHushk honaa

ho.nT KHushk honaa

aa.nsuu KHushk honaa

haath KHushk honaa

jaan KHushk honaa

galaa KHushk honaa

throat becoming dry due to screaming, Metaphorically: extreme thirst

lahuu KHushk honaa

be terrorized

lab KHushk honaa

being extremely thirsty

KHuun KHushk honaa

be afraid, feeling sudden fear or anxiety, frightened, to be nervous, to grow thin and lean because of fear and grief

sote KHushk honaa

chulluvo.n lahuu KHushk honaa

be extremely alarmed

chulluu.o.n lahuu KHushk honaa

Meaning ofSee meaning KHushk honaa in English, Hindi & Urdu

KHushk honaa

ख़ुशक होनाخُشک ہونا


Root word: KHushk

English meaning of KHushk honaa

  • dry, be dried, be parched

ख़ुशक होना के हिंदी अर्थ

  • सूखना, मुरझाना, झड़ना, खड़क होना, आद्रता का सूखना

خُشک ہونا کے اردو معانی

  • سوکھنا، مرجھانا، جھڑنا، کھڑک ہونا، رطوبت جذب ہونا

Showing search results for: English meaning of khushk hona

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KHushk honaa

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