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Meaning ofSee meaning laal-bujhakka.D in English, Hindi & Urdu


लाल-बुझक्कड़لال بُجَھکّڑ

Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 21122

Tags: Satirical

English meaning of laal-bujhakka.D

Noun, Masculine

  • wiseacre

लाल-बुझक्कड़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ऐसा मूर्ख व्यक्ति जो वास्तव में जानता तो कुछ भी न हो, फिर भी अटकल-पच्चू और ऊट-पटांग अणुमान लगाकर दुरूह बातों का कारण तथा समस्याओं का समाधान करने में न चुकता हो, वह मूर्ख जो अगम्य बातों को समझने का दावा करता हो
  • (व्यंगात्मक) उच्च कोटि का बेवक़ूफ़, वो मूर्ख जिसे अपनी बुद्धिमत्ता पर बड़ा गर्व हो

لال بُجَھکّڑ کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • ایک فرضی عقل مند کا نام جو بے وقوفوں کی ہر ایک بات کا خلاف عقل جواب دے کر اپنے آپ کے عاقل، یگانہ اور فرازنہ کہا کرتا تھا، مورکھ ہر ایک مشکل بات کو اسی سے پوچھنے جاتے تھے
  • (طنزاً) اعلٰی درجہ کا بے وقوف، وہ احمق جسے اپنی عقل پر بڑا گھمنڈ ہو

Interesting Information on laal-bujhakka.D

Everyone’s beloved character, ‘Laal Bujhakkad Hindustani’, has stepped out of the compass of short stories and can now be spotted distinctively in electronic media as well. Although hardly anyone knows who he was, and when and where he was born, we do learn from the diaries of foreign tourists and travelers that about 150 years ago practically every child in Northern India was familiar with his name. Hyderabad-based satirist Mirza Ismatullah Beg (1898-1954), created this unique character and its cartoon-like sketch in this children’s book ‘Dada Lal Bujhakkad’. A bulky figure paired with red hair and beard, scanning everyone with his squinted eyes and walking around in a knee-length Kurta mated with a blue lion-cloth, cobbler-made shoes, most importantly, covering his prized head with a cap of some sort in all seasons, and grabbing a cane in his hands, this was Lal Bujhakkad, anyone’s and everyone’s sympathizer, brainy, and ever ready to give a pep talk. In a village where for the first-time people were surprised to see elephant footprints, Lal Bujhakkar explained it to them in this way: ‘Deer jumped with a mill (Chakki) tied to their feet.’

Author: Azra Naqvi

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