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gain, profit


fit to carry load, loading and carrying

laDDuu aanaa

laDDuu baa.ndhnaa

to make laḍḍūs or balls of sweatmeal, to form into round lumps

laDDuu la.De chuuraa jha.De

laDDuu baa.nTnaa

to distribute laḍḍūs (among), to celebrate a piece of good fortune

laDDuu baTnaa

laDDuu milnaa

to find something good, to gain, profit

laDDuu na to.Do , chuuraa jhaa.D khaa.o

laDDuu khaanaa

eat laddu (on some festive occasion)

ladduu karnaa

make fit for carrying or loading, not having able to riding

laDDuu banaanaa

laDDuu kahe se mu.nh miiThaa nahii.n hotaa

laDDuu khilaanaa

distribute sweets, feast someone on some happy or festive occasion, feast (someone) usu. with 'laddus' at one's success or as a bribe, to feast (one) with

laDDuu kahe se mu.nh nahii.n miiThaa hotaa

laDDuu-pe.De khaanaa


a folk dance of the Punjab



بول چال: نوجوان لڑکا۔.


بول چال: پُرتکلف، بناوٹی، پُرتصنّع خصوصاً انداز یا طرز کلام ۔.


muu.Dhii ke laDDuu

buu.ndii kaa ladduu

malaa.ii ke laDDuu

magad ke laDDuu

man ke laDDuu pho.Dnaa

dil me.n laDDuu baTnaa

dil me.n laDDuu phuuTnaa

be secretly happy, be very happy

dono.n haath laDDuu honaa

buur kaa laDDuu

(lexical) a sweetmeat (in the form of balls) made of the husk of grain

bor ke laDDuu

a sweetmeat shaped like balls made with coarse grain, which look good but are tasteless and hard to eat

luDDii Dalvaanaa


la.Daa.ii me.n laDDuu nahii.n baTte

la.Daa.ii me.n laDDuu nahii.n baTtii

motii-chuur ke laDDuu

a kind of sweetmeat, it is made with the fine dots of gram-flour

gup-chup ke laDDuu

gup-chup kaa laDDuu

man me.n laDDuu phuuTnaa

suu.nTh ke laDDuu khaanaa

man ke laDDuu laDhaanaa

gupchup ke laDDuu khaa.e hai.n

la.Daa.ii me.n laDDuu pe.De nahii.n baTte

man ke laDDuu pho.Dnaa kahaa baiThnaa

man ke laDDuu khaanaa

To build castles in the air, to form vain fancies.

motii chuur ka laDDuu

a sweatmeat ball made of tiny fried gram flour balls

kiraana kaa laDDuu hai

gum-sum ke laDDuu khaanaa

jhuuT kahe so laDDuu khaa.e

kyaa bor ke laDDuu hai.n

luDDii Daalnaa

perform this dance

ghii kaa laDDuu Te.Dhaa bhii bhalaa

dono.n haatho.n me.n laDDuu nahii.n hote

you cannot eat your cake and have it

chup gup ke laDDuu khaa.e hai.n

man ke laDDuu to phiike kyo.n

kyaa gup-chup ke laDDuu khaa.e hai.n

jiijaa ke maal par saalii laDDuu baavlii

saa.nch kahe so maaraa jaa.e, jhuuTaa bha.Duvaa laDDuu khaa.e

maan kaa zahr aur apmaan kaa laDDuu

jab din aa.e bhale tab laDDuu maare chale

Meaning ofSee meaning ladduu in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 22

English meaning of ladduu


  • fit to carry load, loading and carrying
  • animals that are used to carry goods such as donkeys, ponies, etc.
  • lazy, sluggish

लद्दू के हिंदी अर्थ


  • ठस, आलसी, सुस्त
  • भार ढोने वाला, माल या सामान ढोने वाला
  • वो पशु जो माल ढोने के काम आए जैसे गधा, टट्टू आदि

لَدُّو کے اردو معانی


  • باربرداری کے لائق، بوجھ اُٹھانے کے قابل، سامان لادنے اور ڈھونے والا
  • وہ حیوان جو باربرداری کے کام آئے جیسے گدھا، ٹٹُّو وغیرہ
  • ٹھس، کاہل، سست

Showing search results for: English meaning of laddoo, English meaning of laddu

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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