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sagacity, wisdom

zaraafat kaa pahluu



jokingly, by way of joke, light-heartedly


good-natured, full of humor


mixed with humor, jocularity, facetiousness, pleasantry, fun, jest


debonair, swinging


humorist, writer of comedy

zaraafat KHaana-e-aazarm-o-jang ast




humor inducing, wit evoking

zaraafat kii poT

jester, joker, funny, waggish, hilarious, hysterical

zaraafat kaa putlaa

jester, joker, buffoon, wag

zaraafat-e-bisyaar hunar nadiimaa.n ast o 'aib-e-hakiimaa.n

zaraafat-e-aatish afroz judaa.ii ast

iKHtisaar zaraafat kii jaan hai

Brevity is soul of wit.


rag-e-zaraafat pha.Daknaa

rag-e-zaraafat pha.Dak uThnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning mazaaq in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

Tags: Sentence

Word Family: z-a-q

English meaning of mazaaq

Noun, Masculine, Archaic

  • the taste and passion of something, liking, interest, enthusiasm
  • joke, humor, fun, pleasantry, game

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Sher Examples

मज़ाक़ के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, प्राचीन

  • किसी बात या विषय में होनेवाली स्वाभाविक प्रवृत्ति या रुचि, किसी बात का चस्का, परखने का सलीक़ा, दिलचस्पी, उस को शेर ओ सुख़न का मजाक है
  • हास्य-व्यंग, हंसी-ठट्ठा, मजाक़, हंसी-खेल, हंसी, दिल लगी, आपस की चहल, परिहास, मनोविनोद, ज़र्राफ़त

مَذاق کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، قدیم/فرسودہ

  • رک : مذاق جو اس کا درست املا ہے
  • رجحان، میلان، رغبت، ذوق، کسی بات کا چسکا، کسی امر کی عادت، دلچسپی، اس کو شعروسخن کا مذاق ہے، پرکھنے کی صلاحیت، سلیقہ، قوتِ ذائقہ، چکھنےکی طاقت یا حِس
  • ہنسی، ٹھٹا، دل لگی، ظرافت، تمسخر، مزاح

Synonyms of mazaaq

Interesting Information on mazaaq

‘Mazaaq’ isn’t just all about laughing out loud and rejoicing but also extends to the tastes of flavorsome delicacies! In Arabic, the words Mazaaq and Zauq also connote savoring or the sense of taste. That's why many restaurants are commonly named ‘Zaaiqa’. But these meanings aren’t just limited to the taste of good food, they are also used in the sense of one’s bent, interest, or penchant, especially the ability to finely parse art and poetry. As they say, “Wo She’r-o-Sukhan ka bahut ‘aala mazaaq rakhte hain.” That is, “He has a great taste for poetry.”, said for someone who is a connoisseur of poetry. ‘Mazaaq-e-Sukhan’ means one’s bent, taste, and grasp of poetry. Ra’naaii-e-Khayaal ko THahraa diyaa gunaah Wa’iz bhii kis qadar hai mazaaq-e-suKHan se duur The word ‘Ham-Mazaaq’ means those who share the same tastes and interests. Contrarily, ‘Bad-Mazaaq’ or ‘Bad-Zauq’, is used for those who have a bad taste or have mediocre or substandard interests.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Showing search results for: English meaning of majaaq, English meaning of majaq

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