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Showing results for "phalaa-phuulaa"


well off, prosperous


prosperous, blossom, blooming, flourishing

phuulaa-phalaa rahe

(prayer for someone or something) may it be fructiferous, have a green life, be happy

phuule phuule phirat hai.n aaj hamaaro biyaah, tulsii ga.e bajaa.e ke dev kaaTh me.n paah

phuulii phuulii gone ko Thasak nikal ga.ii rone ko


a thing, person, event, or period of time is the one that happens or comes before all the others of the same kind


side, flank, wing


first, firstly,foremost, prior, previously, formerly, at one time, at first, in the first instance first of all


first, primarily


a disease of the birds that causes swelling and death


bloomed, inflated


blossomed, puffed up


expanded, increasing, spread

pahle hii

godii phailaa phailaa kar du'aa denaa

give blessings from one's bottom of the heart

pahluu me.n

by the side of, close, beside

gaa.Dii ko dekh laa.Dii ke paa.nv phuule

pakkii phalii nahii.n pho.Dtaa

jitnaa kap.Daa dekho utne paa.nv phailaa.o

paanii se pahle paa.D baa.ndhnaa

baa.D pahle hii baa.ndhnii chaahiye

ba.De paa.nv phailaa.e

maut se pahle chho.Dnaa

suu.ii kahe mai.n chheduu.n chheduu.n pahle chhed karaay

haath phailaa ke du'aa.e.n denaa

paanii se pahle paa.D pul baa.ndhnaa

phailaa pa.Dnaa

be extremely fond of, become restless

suu.ii chhedne se pahle KHud chhidtii hai

jitnii chaadar dekho utne paa.nv phailaa.o

cut your coat according to your cloth

paa.nv phailaa.e pa.Daa rahnaa

paa.nv phailaa.e pa.Daa rahnaa

god phailaa kar du'aa maa.ngnaa

god phailaa ke du'aa maa.ngnaa

biibii na piir pahle fattan faqiir

godii phailaa kar du'aa maa.ngnaa

pahle likh aur piichhe de , bhuul pa.De kaaGaz se le

financial transactions must be put in writing

pahle likh piichhe de bhuul pa.De to kaaGaz se le


the screw-plant, Helicteres isora, the fruit of which is used as cure for gripes or colic pains



suvaa chhede TaaT ko to pahle aap ko chhidaa.e


chaadar tho.Dii paa.nv phailaa.e bahut

jo pahle bole vahii baadshaah

pahlii bismillaah Galat

pahle apnii hii daa.Dhii kii aag bujhaa.ii jaatii hai

phullaa pa.Dnaa

phuulii kha.Dii honaa

phuulaa kha.Daa honaa

par phailaa kar u.Dnaa

chi.Diyaa kii jeb aur maa.nDe kaa phuulaa

pahle apnaa Tai.nTh to dekho piichhe duusre kii phullii nighaarnaa

shauq kaa daaman phailaa

hajjaam kaa la.Dkaa pahle ustaad hii kaa sar muu.nDtaa hai

The barber's apprentice first practices on his master's head.

pahlii bismillaah hii Galat

starting off on the wrong foot

jitnii chaadar utne paa.nv phailaa.o

pahle piive jogii, biich me.n piive bhogii, piichhe piive rogii

haath phailaa ke gi.Dgi.Daanaa

phalii bhii na pho.Dnaa

not do anything, be very idle

hil ke phalii na pho.Dnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning phalaa-phuulaa in English, Hindi & Urdu


फला-फूलाپَھلا پُھولا

Vazn : 1222

Tags: Sentence

English meaning of phalaa-phuulaa


Sher Examples

फला-फूला के हिंदी अर्थ


  • रूपये पैसे और बाल बच्चों से भरा हुआ, समृद्ध, संपन्न, सुखी
  • हरा-भरा, ताज़ा

پَھلا پُھولا کے اردو معانی


  • آل اولاد روپے پیسے سے بھرا ہوا، (فقرہ) پھلا پھولا گھر سب ڈھونڈتھے ہیں، بارونق، آباد، خوشحال
  • ہرا بھرا، سرسبز، شاداب

Antonyms of phalaa-phuulaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of falaafulaa, English meaning of falafula

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