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an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be conden


ٹھنڈا، یخ بستہ کرنے والا ۔.

Meaning ofSee meaning refrigerator in English, Hindi & Urdu


रेफ़्रिजरेटरرَیفْرِی جِریَٹر

Origin: English

English meaning of refrigerator

Noun, Masculine

  • an appliance or compartment which is artificially kept cool and used to store food and drink. Modern refrigerators generally make use of the cooling effect produced when a volatile liquid is forced to evaporate in a sealed system in which it can be conden

रेफ़्रिजरेटर के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • भोजन आदि को ठंडा करने और ठंडा रखने वाला यंत्र, प्रशीतक

رَیفْرِی جِریَٹر کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • خُنک ساز، بجلی کی الماری جس میں ٹھنڈ کی وجہ سے چیزیں گلنے سڑنے سے محفوظ رہتی ہیں، اس میں ایک گیس بھری ہوتی ہے جو بہت زیادہ اور جلد حرارت جذب کرتی ہے

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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