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sho'le u.Dnaa

sho'la bha.Daknaa

to eat flame

sho'la bha.Dkaanaa

to provoke emotions

sho'le bha.Dkaanaa

sho'la bha.Dak uThnaa

go off the deep end

sho'la kii tarah bha.Dak uThnaa

to be enraged or angry


flame, fire, blaze, flash

sho'le ko havaa denaa

sho'la denaa

to stir or blow the fire

sho'le chun.naa


tez sho'la

sho'le kaa bhaTTaa

sho'la numuudaar honaa

gaane vaalaa sho'la

(Physics) took a tube of glass about 30 centimetres long and 3.5 centimetres wide, with both side mouth opened and brought down slowly on the flame of gas and when the flame reached middle of the tube, then the flame starts vibrating and starts producing


flame, blaze


blaze, flame

sho'la tez honaa

sho'la khii.nchnaa

sho'la ii.nchnaa

naa'sh suulii par laTkaanaa

sho'le buland honaa

sho'la honaa

to be inflamed, to turn red with rage

sho'la lagnaa

sho'le lagnaa

sho'le uThnaa

sho'la uThnaa

to be engulfed in flames

sho'la nikalnaa

sho'le nikalnaa

sho'la maarnaa

bahtaa sho'la

(in war) firing of mortar and cannon etc

sho'le nikaalnaa

sho'la chamaknaa

sho'le ugalnaa

sho'la ugaltaa

(Metaphorically) angry

sho'la biThaanaa

to extinguish fire

sho'la lapaknaa

sho'le nigalnaa

sho'le uuThnaa

sho'la kii lapak

sho'la bhabhuukaa honaa

to be inflamed, to burn with rage

sho'la bhabuukaa honaa

aa.nkh se sho'le nikalnaa


apparel of the flame

sho'la taa charKH-e-barii.n jaanaa

aa.nkho.n se sho'le nikalnaa

aa.nkho.n se sho'le uThnaa

Meaning ofSee meaning seh-saala in English, Hindi & Urdu


सेह-सालाسِہ سالَہ

Origin: Persian

Vazn : 222

English meaning of seh-saala


  • three-years-old
  • triennial

सेह-साला के हिंदी अर्थ


  • तीन साल में एक बार, तीन साल बाद
  • तीन वर्षों में होने या पड़ने वाला, त्रैवार्षिक, तीन वर्ष की आयु का

سِہ سالَہ کے اردو معانی


  • تین سال میں ایک بار، تین سال بعد
  • تین سالوں میں ہونے یا پڑنے والا، تین سالہ، تین سال کی عمر کا

Showing search results for: English meaning of sehsaala, English meaning of sehsala

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