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Showing results for "siraat"


road, path, way, course, means, instrument, mode, method, water-stand for thirsty travellers, water or any drink distributed for free, drinking water centres set up during the month of Moharram to commemorate the tragedy of Karbala road, Manner, Means

sabiil honaa


sabiil paidaa honaa

sabiil piinaa

sabiil karnaa

to prepare, arrange, to get together, to obtain money by begging or borrowing

sabiil lagnaa


sabiil ban.naa

sabiil rakhnaa

to keep a shed for the supplying thirty travellers with water during the month of Moharram, to give water gratis to travellers

sabiil utarnaa

sabiil pilaanaa

to give (one) water or sherbet to drink as a pious duty, to give water to drink gratis

sabiil nikalnaa

sabiil nikaalnaa

sabiil pukaarnaa

sabiil biThaanaa



an advance of money (to a peasant) to enable him to build a house for himself


by way of strategy, in this way


drinkable and water for all, water that is permissible to drink

Meaning ofSee meaning siraat in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 121

English meaning of siraat

Noun, Feminine

Sher Examples

सिरात के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, स्त्रीलिंग

صِراط کے اردو معانی

اسم، مؤنث

  • راستہ، راہ، گزرگاہ
  • ایک پل کا نام، کہا جاتا ہے کہ قیامت میں ایک پل پر سے گزرنا ہوگا، جو دوزخ پر بال سے باریک، تلوار سے تیز اور آگ سے زیادہ گرم ہوگا، نیک لوگ اس کو آسانی سے عبور کر کے داخل جنّت ہوں گے اور بد اعمال یا گنہگار لوگ کٹ کٹ کر دوزخ میں گِر جائیں گے

Synonyms of siraat

Compound words of siraat

Showing search results for: English meaning of sirat

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