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abstinence, forbearance, temperance, keeping aloof, caution, continence, care, prevention, sobriety

parhez to.Dnaa

to give up abstinence (from some food or drink)


abstinence, sobriety

parhez karnaa

abstain from (some food, etc.), keep aloof, observe a regimen, especially in eating and drinking

parhez karaanaa

(of a physician) advise abstention, cause to refrain (from)

parhez ba.Dii davaa hai

parhez TuuTnaa

abstinence from diet

parhez bhii aadhaa 'ilaaj hai

parhez sab se achchhaa nusKHa hai

parhez 'ilaaj se behtar hai

prevention is better than cure


(usu. of food) fit for a person under regimen



virtuous (person), abstinent or abstemious (person), upright, sober, abstemious, abstinent, temperate

parhezii khaanaa

tasteless food




habit of abstaining

havaa se parhez


non-abstainer, one who does not abstain from restricted diet


not restraining oneself

hazaar 'ilaaj ek parhez

prevention is better than cure

havaa se parhez rahnaa

havaa se parhez honaa

sau 'iilaaj ek parhez

prevention is better than cure

guu.D khaa.e.n gulgulo.n se parhez

gu.D khaa.e.n gulgulo.n se parhez

lumps of sugar he devours but refrains from eating sweet cakes

gu.D khaa.e.n gulgulo.n se parhez

gu.D khaa.uu.n, gulgulo.n se parhez

gu.D khaa.u.n se gulgulo.n se parhez

milne se parhez honaa

hazaar 'ilaaj aur ek parhez

gu.D khaanaa gulgulo.n se parhez karnaa

hazaar davaa.o.n kii ek davaa parhez hai

jab tak hai parhez-gaarii hai


careful, cautious

Meaning ofSee meaning taqarrub in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 122

Tags: Mathematics

Word Family: q-r-b

English meaning of taqarrub

Noun, Masculine

Sher Examples

तक़र्रुब के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • समीपता, निकटता, नज़दीकी
  • नज़दीक होने की कोशिश करना
  • ऐसा परिणाम या हल जो बिलकुल सही न हो लेकिन गलत भी न हो क़रीब क़रीब

تَقَرُّب کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • نزدیکی، قرب، قربت، نزدیک ہونا
  • نزدیک ہونے کی کوشش کرنا، قرب ڈھونْڈنا
  • (ریاضی) ایسا نتیجہ یا حل جو بالکل قطعی نہ ہو لیکن تقریباً صحیح ہو اور مخصوص مقصد کے لیے کافی ہو، قریب قریب

Synonyms of taqarrub

Antonyms of taqarrub

Showing search results for: English meaning of takarrub

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