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Showing results for "thu.Dii hai thu.Dii"

thu.Dii hai thu.Dii

thu.Dii hai

tho.Dii hii

bahut guzar ga.ii tho.Dii baaqii hai

tho.Dii sii raa ga.ii hai

most of life has passed and less is left, Metaphorically: a little life remains

tho.Dii sii 'aql mol liiji.e to behtar hai

chaadar hai tho.Dii pair pasaare bahut

live beyond one's means

aabruu tho.Dii sii hai

do haajuu kii joruu aur saudaagar kii gho.Dii jitnaa kuude utnii hii tho.Dii bahut hai.n raat tho.Dii

bhaage tho.Dii jaate hai.n

tho.Daa tho.Daa hii kar ke bahut ho jaataa hai

drop by drop fills the bucket

tho.Daa hai

isn't it enough!

tho.Daa hii

absolutely not, never

kul.hiyaa me.n gu.D tho.Daa hii phuuTtaa hai

evil deed cannot be concealed, secret cannot be covered

shaadii hai kuchh gu.Diyo.n kaa byaah tho.Daa hii hai

jo ho vo tho.Daa hai

allaaah laaThii le ke tho.Daa hii maartaa hai

hote hii na muvaa jo kafan tho.Daa lagtaa

sukh se dukh bhalaa jo tho.De din kaa ho

hote hii na maraa jo kafan tho.Daa lagtaa

bipat baraabar sukh nahii.n, jo tho.De din kii ho

aataa to sabhii bhalaa tho.Daa bahut kuchh, jaataa bas do hii bhale daliddar aur dukh

Meaning ofSee meaning thu.Dii hai thu.Dii in English, Hindi & Urdu

thu.Dii hai thu.Dii

थुड़ी है थुड़ीتُھڑی ہے تُھڑی


थुड़ी है थुड़ी के हिंदी अर्थ

  • किसी को बहुत अधिक फटकार देने के अवसर पर प्रयोग किया जाता है, धिक्कार है धिक्कार

Showing search results for: English meaning of thudee hai thudee, English meaning of thudi hai thudi

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thu.Dii hai thu.Dii

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