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Showing results for "'uluu"


highness, eminence, sublimity, an eminence, a height, rise


a kind of grass, saccharum cylindricum



at the time of formation of the fetus in the uterus the woman's blood stagnates with the male's semen


strange, odd, singular, unusual


the position (highness) of a rank


food or victuals, rations, provisions


(those) endowed with, possessed of, having



branches of knowledge, sciences



being high in dignity and rank


loftiness of thought


being exalted in temperament




high on courage


being high in dignity and rank


being high in position


being high in dignity and rank


high on confidence


being high in rank


being high in rank



earth sciences


occult sciences





ancient sciences



marine sciences


natural sciences



religious sciences



mathematical sciences



modern knowledge, modern sciences







oriental studies, sciences



oriental studies



(philosophy) binding principle


current branches of learning


sciences developed in the west





common sciences







life sciences



arts and sciences, knowledges and arts,

Meaning ofSee meaning 'uluu in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 12

English meaning of 'uluu

Noun, Masculine

Looking for similar sounding words?


a kind of grass, saccharum cylindricum

Sher Examples

'उलू के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • उच्चता, ऊँचाई, बलंद, उच्च, सर्वोच्च

عُلُو کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • بلندی، عظمت، رفعت، برتری

Showing search results for: English meaning of uloo, English meaning of ulu

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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