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Showing results for "zukam"


cold, influenza

zukaam biga.Dnaa

the defluxion from the head to be suddenly stopped, the rheum to become thick and clotted

zukaam honaa

catch cold

zukaam paknaa


of or relating to cold


an infernal tree (mentioned in the Qoran), the fruit of which is supposed to resemble the heads of devils and terrible serpents, cactus, euphorbia antiquorum




me.nDkii ko zukaam honaa

put on airs

me.nDkii ko zukaam hu.aa

pakkaa paan khaa.nsii na zukaam

eat, eat old pān, your colds and coughs are gone, in a ripe betel-leaf there is neither cold nor cough

me.nDkii ko bhii zukaam hu.aa

zak milnaa


miraculous, skilled


zauq men shauq

it is said at the time of when something for free with something else


scarcity of time

ziiq me.n kar denaa

ziiq me.n dam honaa

to be in a pickle. be troubled

zaa.iqa milnaa

to acquire a taste for something

ziiq me.n aanaa

to be anxious, to be vexed

ziiq me.n uanaa

ziiq me.n baiThnaa


Desire for work, yearning for work, longing for action, inclination towards deed

ziiq me.n rahnaa

ziiq me.n jaan aanaa

ziiq me.n jaanaa Daalnaa

ziiq me.n jaan honaa

to be surrounded by troubles

zauq me.n shauq dastuurii me.n bachcha

ziiq me.n pa.Dnaa

ziiq me.n jaan pa.Dnaa


an infernal tree (mentioned in the Qur'an), the fruit of which is supposed to be the heads of devils


zauq me.n shauq nafa' me.n la.Dkaa

Search results

Showing results for "zukam"


cold, influenza

zukaam biga.Dnaa

the defluxion from the head to be suddenly stopped, the rheum to become thick and clotted

zukaam honaa

catch cold

zukaam paknaa


of or relating to cold


an infernal tree (mentioned in the Qoran), the fruit of which is supposed to resemble the heads of devils and terrible serpents, cactus, euphorbia antiquorum




me.nDkii ko zukaam honaa

put on airs

me.nDkii ko zukaam hu.aa

pakkaa paan khaa.nsii na zukaam

eat, eat old pān, your colds and coughs are gone, in a ripe betel-leaf there is neither cold nor cough

me.nDkii ko bhii zukaam hu.aa

zak milnaa


miraculous, skilled


zauq men shauq

it is said at the time of when something for free with something else


scarcity of time

ziiq me.n kar denaa

ziiq me.n dam honaa

to be in a pickle. be troubled

zaa.iqa milnaa

to acquire a taste for something

ziiq me.n aanaa

to be anxious, to be vexed

ziiq me.n uanaa

ziiq me.n baiThnaa


Desire for work, yearning for work, longing for action, inclination towards deed

ziiq me.n rahnaa

ziiq me.n jaan aanaa

ziiq me.n jaanaa Daalnaa

ziiq me.n jaan honaa

to be surrounded by troubles

zauq me.n shauq dastuurii me.n bachcha

ziiq me.n pa.Dnaa

ziiq me.n jaan pa.Dnaa


an infernal tree (mentioned in the Qur'an), the fruit of which is supposed to be the heads of devils


zauq me.n shauq nafa' me.n la.Dkaa

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