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Showing results for "aaGaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai"


start, commencement, beginning, onset, initiation

shuruu' se

from the beginning, ab initio

shuruu' honaa

start, begin, get going

shuruu' karnaa

begin, start, commence, pioneer, set up, institute, establish




start, beginning

shuruu'-shuruu' me.n

in the very beginning, initially, at the beginning, in the first instance

shuruu'aat laanaa



jullaab shuruu' honaa

have diarrhoea

juluus shuruu' honaa

nifaaq shuruu' honaa

Tapkaa Tapkii shuruu' honaa

daur-daura shuruu' honaa

sharaab kaa daur shuruu' honaa

KHairaat ghar se shuruu' hotii hai

charity begins at home

Meaning ofSee meaning aaGaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai in English, Hindi & Urdu

aaGaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai

आग़ाज़ बद का अंजाम बद हैآغاز بَد کا اَنجام بَد ہے


English meaning of aaGaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai

  • sow thorns reap thorns, an evil thing produces an evil result

आग़ाज़ बद का अंजाम बद है के हिंदी अर्थ

  • जिस काम का आरंभ बुरा हो उसका अंत भी बुरा होता है

آغاز بَد کا اَنجام بَد ہے کے اردو معانی

  • آغاز بد انجام برا، جس کام کی ابتدا بری ہوانتہا بھی بری ہوتی ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of aagaaj bad kaa anjaam bad hai, English meaning of aagaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai

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aaGaaz bad kaa anjaam bad hai

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