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Showing results for "'aam-ul-fiil"


common, public, universal, general, usual

'aam me.n



common people, public, masses, populace



high and low, rich and poor, all people


year of the Elephant, in the pre-Islamic calendar when Yemenite elephant-cavalry attacked Makkah


generally intelligible, easy to understand, understandable to all, intelligible to the common man, simple and easy





public, of the masses




Year of the Elephant, in the pre-Islamic calendar when Yemenite elephant-cavalry attacked Makkah


a public welfare provision

'aam azii.nki

including the case in which


the Year of Sorrow, the year in which Prophet Muhammad's beloved uncle Abu Talib and kind wife Khadija passed away


elites and commoners


'aam azii.n ki


general elections

'aam is se ki

including the case in which

'aam taur se



laborer, worker, agent, spiritualist, revenue collector


common, ordinary







working journalist


common people, general public, commonality

'aam honaa


one who cultivates, makes inhabitable, a builder


mundane, populist




common people, general public, commonality


an official, functionary, a necromancer, conjuror


'aam Dagar

common road, beaten track






flourishing, plentiful



the common people, all mankind

'aam karnaa


slang, colloquial, informal, casual, idiomatic, vernacular



common, popular




'aam taur par

mostly, commonly

'aam kar denaa



'aamil honaa



Meaning ofSee meaning 'aam-ul-fiil in English, Hindi & Urdu


'आम-उल-फ़ीलعامُ الفِیل

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 2221

English meaning of 'aam-ul-fiil

Noun, Masculine

  • Year of the Elephant, in the pre-Islamic calendar when Yemenite elephant-cavalry attacked Makkah

'आम-उल-फ़ील के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग

  • ईसवी का वो साल जिसमें हाथीबान ने का'बा को ढाने के लिए मक्का पर चढ़ाई की (चूँकि हाथिबान के साथ पच्चास हज़ार हाथी भी थे इसलिए उस वर्ष का नाम आम-उल-फ़ील हुआ)

عامُ الفِیل کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر

  • عیسوی کا وہ سال جس میں ابرہہ نے خانۂ خدا ڈھانے کے لیے مکہ پر چڑھائی کی (چونکہ ابرہہ کے ساتھ پچاس ہزار ہاتھی بھی تھے اس لیے اس سال کا نام عام الفیل ہوا)

Showing search results for: English meaning of aamulfeel, English meaning of aamulfil

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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