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Showing results for "'aaqib"




conclusion, termination, end


harmful for the prospects of life hereafter


the one who have an aye on foresight



after-life and religion



keeping eye on result, foresight, cleverness, regard to the end or issue or consequence, a looking to the future, far-sightedness, foresight, prudence


eventually, after all, finally, in the end


prudent, far-seeing, far-sighted, discreet


farsightedness, regard to the end or issue or consequence, a looking to the future, far-sightedness; foresight, prudence


'aaqibat ban.naa


'aaqibat biga.Dnaa

be damned by (one's) sinful conduct

'aaqibat bigaa.Dnaa

become a sinner, jeopardize chances of salvation, mar or jeopardize (one's) future state of bliss

'aaqibat kaa jo.Daa


at last, at long last, termination of the business, the long and short of a matter






one without foresight, farsightedness or prudence

'aaqibat sa.nvaarnaa

'aaqibat baKHshvaanaa

'aaqibat sa.nvar jaanaa


'aaqibat khonaa


'aaqibat ba-KHair honaa

'aaqibat me.n kaam aanaa

'aaqibat gandii karnaa

'aaqibat gandii honaa

'aaqibat kaa tosha

Metaphorically: good deeds that are provision for salvation in the next world

'aaqibat banaanaa

'aaqibat KHair ho

'aaqibat bil-KHair honaa

'aaqibat KHaraab honaa

'aaqibat KHaraab karaanaa

'aaqibat achhhii honaa

'aaqibat KHaraab karnaa

'aaqibat ke boriye baTornaa

'aaqibat ke boriye sameTnaa

die in old age, have a long life

'aaqibat ke boriye lapeTnaa

'aaqibat ke boriye uThaanaa



excruciating, the one who gives pain, injuring



following, subsequent, successive


one who punishes severely, an appellation of Allah



one who stitches clothes

'aqab me.n





back drop




Meaning ofSee meaning 'aaqib in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 22

Word Family: a-q-b

'आक़िब के हिंदी अर्थ


  • किसी के पीछे आनेवाला, किसी की अनुपस्थिति में उसकी जगह काम करनेवाला।
  • पीछे आने वाला, आँहज़रत सिल्ली अल्लाह अलैहि वसल्लम का एक नाम
  • सरदार का क़ाइम मक़ाम, जांनशीन

عاقِب کے اردو معانی


  • پیچھے آنے والا، آنحضرت صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کا ایک نام
  • سردار کا قائم مقام، جانشین

Showing search results for: English meaning of aakib, English meaning of aaqib

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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