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Showing results for "achhii"




good, all right, ok


(a way of addressing a woman intimately) dear, darling




goodness, merit, virtue


mean, absurd,


trite, of low taste, petty-minded, frivolous, graceless, mean, absurd


mean, absurd,






desire, longing, lust, aim, ambition, inclination, intention, wish


achchhii aa.e

baa.njh achhii ikaa.nj burii

the only child is a greater headache than no child

mai.n aap ko achhii tarh samjhuu.ngaa

aachhe din paachhe ga.e par se kiyaa na het ab pachhtaa.e kyaa hot jab chi.Diyaa.n chug ga.ii.n khet

achchhe hai.n

he is/ they are in good shape/ health

achchhaa kiyaa

well done, (I/ we/ you/ he/ she) did well

ochhe kii priit , kaTaarii kaa marnaa , baaluu kii bhiit , aTaarii kaa cha.Dhnaa

achchhii gha.Dii

propitious moment or hour

achchhii bha.ii gu.D sattarah ser

achhe ghar bai'aana diyaa

achchhii pa.D rahnaa

ochhe ke ghar tiitar baahar baa.ndhuu.n ki bhiitar

sarcastic remark used for upstarts on a showy display of wealth

achchhii tarah

in a satisfactory way, well, thoroughly

achchhe kii sohbat baiThe khaa.e naagar paan , bure kii sohbat baiThe kaTaa.e naak aur kaan

achchhaa achchhaa

ochhii puu.njii KHasam ko khaa.e

achchhe din

period of prosperity and success, better days

achchhaa vo jo achchhaa kare

achchhaa raag laa.e

achchhe se achchhaa

the best of all

achchhii se achchhii

the best of all, the very best

achchhii tarah se

carefully, in a fitting manner, duly, suitably, thoroughly, fully, plentifully, well, satisfactorily

ochhe ke ghar khaanaa, janam janam kaa taa'na

to be under obligation to a mean person is painful

achchhaa kiyaa KHudaa ne buraa kiyaa bande ne

jaa kii achhii saas vaa kaa hii ghar vaas, jaa kii saas nakaara vaa kaa nahii.n guzaara

ochhe kaa pyaar

achchhaa kar denaa

make well, restore to health, heal, cure

achchhii nazar se dekhnaa

to like, to opt, to honour, acknowledging someone's accomplishments in the heart

achchhii raah lagaanaa

achchaa kiyaa rahmaan ne, buraa kiyaa shaitaan ne

ochhe se KHudaa kaam na Daale

achchhaa baap daadaa kaa naam raushan kiyaa

ochhe ke bail gire

achchhii dil lagii kii

ochhe kii piit baaluu kii bhiit

ochhe kii priit aur baaluu kii bhiit

the friendship of the base is a wall of sand, unstable, unreliable

ochhe ne kaToraa paanii paayaa pii pii peT phulaayaa

achchhaa baap daadaa kaa naam nikaalaa

achchhaa karnaa

cure, heal

achchhaa buraa

(of something) good or bad, profit or loss, result, consequence

ochhaa hathiyaar

mean trick, immoral tactic

achchhii lagnaa

achchhaa lagnaa

like, relish or enjoy, savour

achchhii rahii

ichchhaa maarnaa

to subdue desire, appetite, to practise self-denial

achchhii kahii

well said!

Meaning ofSee meaning achhii in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 12

अछी के हिंदी अर्थ


  • आँख की पुत्ली, आँख

اَچھی کے اردو معانی


  • آنکھ کی پتلی ؛ آنکھ.

Showing search results for: English meaning of achhee, English meaning of achhi

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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