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Showing results for "'ajaa.ib"


wonderful things, wonders


a place where wonders are kept, museum


house of wonder, museum










curious, wonderful and strange things


The wonders of creations, monsters



wonders, curiosities




organs of the body


seven wonders of the ancient world


producer of miracles, i.e. God



place of strange things

yaa maz.haral-'ajaa.ib


a flower which changes colours from white to pink


when, at the time when, whenever, in case, whilst




surprise, amazement



disgraced, bad, wicked, evil


dialect, speech, language, tongue


strange, unfamiliar, wonderful, bizarre, outlandish, weird, queer, curious


of that (past) time


divine punishment for sins, punishment, chastisement


at the very time


the forehead

'ajab kyaa


since then, since that time

jab daa.nt na the jab duudh diyo, jab daa.nt bha.e to kyaa an na deve

jab diikho jab tiir se kha.De

'ajab hai

jab tak pahiyyah lu.Dhke, lu.Dhkaa.e jaa.o

bipat pa.Dii jab bhe.nT maanii, mukar gayaa jab denii aa.ii

'ajab terii qudrat, 'ajab tere khel, chhachhuu.ndar lagaa.e cha.nbelii kaa tel

badlii kii dhuup jab nikle jab tez

jab tak bahuu rahii ku.nvaarii saas rahii vaarii , jab bahuu ga.ii byaahii pa.D ga.ii KHuvaarii

'ajab ittifaaq honaa

the accidental event that has not been expected

'azaab pa.Dnaa

la.Dke ko jab bhe.Diyaa le gayaa tab TaTTii baa.ndhii

'ajab zaat-e-shariif ho

'azaab me.n pa.Dnaa


jab no

kam-baKHtii jab aave uu.nT cha.Dhe ko kuttaa kaaTe

there is no remedy against misfortune

ab pachtaa.e kyaa hot jab chi.Diyaa.n chug ga.ii.n khet

jeb me.n pa.Daa honaa

phir pachtaa.e kyaa huvat jab chi.Diyaa.n chug ga.ii.n khet

lenaa denaa Dom Dhaa.Diyo.n kaa mohabbat 'ajab chiiz hai

ab pachhtaa.e kya hot jab chi.Diyaa.n chug ga.ii.n khet

no use crying over spilt milk

nadii kinaare ruukha.Daa jab tab hoy banaaras

'ajab cha mii kunam me.n pa.Dnaa

khatrii putram , kabhii na mitram , jab dekho jab dagam dagaa

Meaning ofSee meaning 'ajaa.ib in English, Hindi & Urdu



Also Read As - 'ajaayib

Origin: Arabic

Vazn : 122

Singular: 'ajiib

Word Family: a-j-b

English meaning of 'ajaa.ib

Noun, Masculine, Plural

  • wonderful things, wonders
  • curiosities (archaic)


  • of various sorts, of different kinds
  • wonderful, strange, extraordinary (used as singular )

Sher Examples

'अजाइब के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, पुल्लिंग, बहुवचन

  • विचित्रताएँ, अजीब बातें, आश्चर्यजनक बातें

    उदाहरण - अगर मैं यह कहूँ कि वह अजाएब-ए-रोज़गार चीज़ थी तो कुछ बेजा नहीं

  • आश्चर्य, हैरत, त'अज्जुब (पुरातन )


  • तरह-तरह के, अजीब-अजीब

    उदाहरण - बाज़ लोग (कुछ लोग्) शोब्दा-बाज़ (जादूगर) अजाएब चीज़ें देखाते हैं

  • अद्भुत, अजीब (एकवचन के रूप में )

    उदाहरण - क्या-क्या कुछ कहूँ वहाँ कि तो बात-बात अजाएब है

عَجائِب کے اردو معانی

اسم، مذکر، جمع

  • تعجب یا حیرت میں ڈالنے والی چیزیں، نادر یا عجیب باتیں، تعجب انگیز، تعجب خیز

    مثال - اگر میں یہ کہوں کہ وہ عجائب روزگار چیز تھی تو کچھ بیجا نہیں

  • تعجب، حیرت (قدیم)


  • طرح طرح کے، عجیب عجیب

    مثال - بعض لوگ شعبدہ باز عجائب چیزیں دکھاتے ہیں

  • نادر، عجیب (بطور واحد)

    مثال - کیا کیا کچھ کہوں وہاں کی تو بات بات عجائب ہے

Showing search results for: English meaning of ajaaib, English meaning of ajaayib

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