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Showing results for "a.ngaare"


heated charcoals,live coals, fire, firebrand, cinders, sparks


first imprint, incomplete impression

a.ngaare phaa.nknaa

a.ngaare khaanaa

be jealous, be extremely angry with jealousy

a.ngaare ugalnaa

talk angrily and sarcastically, breathe fire

a.ngaare barasnaa

(of weather) to be excessively hot

angaare kaa kii.Daa



burning like a coal, red, hot, extremely red




ترکی بکری یا خرگوش کی پشم سے بناہوا کپڑا-.


a breed of goat that has long soft hair


of the colour of grape, relating to grape, grapy, made of grape,


hard soil which is inhospitable to plants

stretching of limbs due to drowsiness, boredom or tiredness


ember of moon


fiery mirror, (met.) the mirror reflecting the beloved's illumined reflection

kor a.ngaare bharnaa

qabr me.n a.ngaare bharnaa


gor me.n a.ngaare bharnaa

peT me.n a.ngaare bharnaa

amass wealth by unfair means

mu.nh se a.ngaare barasnaa

chor ko a.ngaare miiTh

angaaraa ban.naa

aag khaanaa a.ngaare hagnaa

like cause like effect, as you sow so shall you reap, what goes around comes around, sow the wind reap the whirlwind

apnii gor me.n a.ngaare bharnaa

commit a great sin

a.ngaaraa honaa

be extremely angry, to be in fury to.Dnaa

dozaKH kaa a.ngaara

mu.nh me.n a.ngaara

yaar karuu.n pyaar karuu.n, chuuta.D tale angaare dharuu.n, jal jaa.e to kyaa karuu.n

jo aag khaa.egaa vo angaare hagegaa

blood will have blood, a bad deed will bring its own punishment

jo aag khaa.egaa vo angaare hagegaa

jo aag khaa.egaa vo angaare uglegaa

jo aag khaa.egaa vo angaare uglegaa

blood will have blood, a bad deed will bring its own punishment

baaruud khaanaa angaare ugalnaa

jo aag khaa.egaa angaare hagegaa

apas goro.n angaare bharnaa

baaruut khaanaa angaare ugalnaa

haath par angaara rakhnaa


red-hot, fiery, flushed with rage

giddho.n ko anguurii baaG

To cast pearls before swine.

kavvo.n ko a.nguurii baaG

mu.nh laal angaaraa ban.naa

gadhe ko a.nguurii baaG

zabaan par a.ngaaraa rakh denaa

put live coal, etc. on the tongue, punish severely, give very painful punishment

mu.nh laal angaaraa honaa

jal kar a.ngaaraa honaa

aa.nkhe.n a.ngaaraa ban jaanaa

khaanaa khaa kar le.n to khaayaa piyaa kutte ke peT me.n chalaa jaa.egaa

Meaning ofSee meaning a.ngaare in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Sanskrit

Vazn : 222

See meaning: a.ngaara

English meaning of a.ngaare

Noun, Plural

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अंगारे के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, बहुवचन

اَنگارے کے اردو معانی

اسم، جمع

  • انگارا جس کی یہ جمع یا مغیرہ حالت ہے
  • شعلے

Interesting Information on a.ngaare

Published in the year 1932, Angaare, became one of the most controversial books due to its contents. This collection of short stories inculdes a host of writers such as Sajjad Zahir, Ahmad Ali, Mahmud Ud-Zafar and Rashid Jahaan. These stories criticize Muslim religious leaders and highlight the social oppression of the time. The book caused such an uproar that it was banned by the British colonial government. Urdu literature saw a new wave of expression after the publication of this book where stories were written with fearless mettle, shortly after which the Progressive Writers Association too set in motion. Many people are also of the opinion that Angare was like a prologue to the Progressive Writers Association.

Author: Azra Naqvi

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Showing search results for: English meaning of angaare, English meaning of angare

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