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Showing results for "arthii-nikle"


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nikle paa.nv phir nahii.n baiThte

nikle hu.e daa.nt phir nahii.n baiThte

nikle daa.nt bhii kahii.n paiThe hai.n

nikle kau.Dii pheraa karne saath me.n sanduuq piTaaraa

murda nikle

janaaza nikle

battiis dhaar ho kar nikle

khaTiyaa nikle

(curse) may you/ he/ she die!

khaaT nikle

(curse) may you die!

ho.nT maluu.n to duudh nikle

jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii niklegaa

nothing comes out of a sack but what is put in it, what is in the heart the tongue speaks

ba.De bechaare nikle

chechak aur ranDii nikle baGair nahii.n rahtii

miyaan me.n se nikle hii pa.De hai

agar paanii se ghii nikle to ko.ii ruukhii na khaa.e

If wishes were horses beggars would ride.

miyaan se nikle pa.Dnaa

phaaT phuuT ke nikle

namak phuuT phuuT kar nikle

naachne nikle to ghuu.ngaT kyaa

haathii ke nikle hu.e daa.nt baiThne mushkil hai.n

muft me.n nikle kaam to kaahe ko diiji.e daam

haa.nDii me.n hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

haathii ke daa.nt nikle piichhe andar nahii.n jaate

jo haa.nDii me.n hogaa , vahii Do.ii me.n niklegaa

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so Do.ii me.n niklegaa

aag lagantii jo nikle so laabh

aag lagantaa jo nikle so laav

aag lagantaa jo nikle so laabh

aag lagantii jo nikle so laav

haa.nDii me.n jo hogaa so vahii chamchii me.n niklegaa

maa.n Tenii baap kulang bachche nikle rang birang

an unmatched couple and its offspring

maa Tenii baap , bachche nikle

maa.n zaaG , baap , bachche nikle

Meaning ofSee meaning arthii-nikle in English, Hindi & Urdu


अर्थी-निकलेاَرْتِھی نِکْلے

Vazn : 2222

Root word: arthii

Tags: Curse

English meaning of arthii-nikle

  • (curse) may (you) die!

अर्थी-निकले के हिंदी अर्थ

  • (अभिशाप) मर जाए, मौत आए

اَرْتِھی نِکْلے کے اردو معانی

  • (بد دعا) مر جائے، موت آئے

Showing search results for: English meaning of artheenikle, English meaning of arthinikle

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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