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Showing results for "bagaarnaa"


to cause to spread, cause to expand



to ruin, spoil, mar, vitiate





mislead, ruin


(of a disease) be severe

baag denaa



'izzat bigaa.Dnaa

insult, disgrace, dishonour

vaqt bigaa.Dnaa

dimaaG bigaa.Dnaa

naqsh bigaa.Dnaa

'aadat bigaa.Dnaa

'aaqibat bigaa.Dnaa

become a sinner, jeopardize chances of salvation, mar or jeopardize (one's) future state of bliss

naqsha bigaa.Dnaa

beat soundly, thrash

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

make a wry face, frown, sulk, pout, grimace

mu.nh bigaa.Dnaa

to make a wry face, to frown, scowl, to look sulky, to pout, to make faces, to spoil or disfigure the face (of another), to put one out of countenance, to leave a bad taste in the mouth

zabaan bigaa.Dnaa

spoil one's tongue, use foul language, use wrong words or idioms

mizaaj bigaa.Dnaa

taking to bad habits

aavaa bigaa.Dnaa

bhaav bigaa.Dnaa

bhaav bigaa.Dnaa

dharm bigaa.Dnaa

saudaa bigaa.Dnaa

shakl bigaa.Dnaa

disfigure, mar, deface

sharh bigaa.Dnaa

daam bigaa.Dnaa

raah bigaa.Dnaa bigaa.Dnaa

aa.nkhe.n bigaa.Dnaa

diin ko bigaa.Dnaa

paraa.ii bad-shuguunii ko apnaa ghar bigaa.Dnaa

miTTii bigaa.Dnaa

mahfil bigaa.Dnaa

fasl bigaa.Dnaa

haisiyyat bigaa.Dnaa

defame, make poor

hayyuulaa bigaa.Dnaa

baat bigaa.Dnaa

make a plan fail, ruin one's credit, bring disgrace upon

ghar bigaa.Dnaa

ruin the family, cause discord in the family

naam bigaa.Dnaa

corrupt someone's name, defame

kaam bigaa.Dnaa

to ruin (one's) reputation or credit

kal bigaa.Dnaa

ruup bigaa.Dnaa

disfigure, deface

aabruu bigaa.Dnaa

to insult, abase, discredit

chaal bigaa.Dnaa

iimaan bigaa.Dnaa

khel bagaa.Dnaa

spoil someone's game or plan

Dhaalaa bigaa.Dnaa

janam bigaa.Dnaa

lead a life of sin, spoil one's life

kriyaa bigaa.Dnaa

hurmat bigaa.Dnaa

aaKHirat bigaa.Dnaa

do an evil deed so as to mar one's future life

ThaaT bigaa.Dnaa

suurat bigaa.Dnaa

disfigure, deform

naamuus bigaa.Dnaa

defame, bring disgrace

saakh bigaa.Dnaa

palastar bigaa.Dnaa

thrash, beat severely

Meaning ofSee meaning bagaarnaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Origin: Hindi

Vazn : 1212

See meaning: baghaarnaa

English meaning of bagaarnaa

Transitive verb

  • to cause to spread, cause to expand
  • to spread out or about
  • to throw away
  • scatter, disperse

बगारना के हिंदी अर्थ

सकर्मक क्रिया

  • फैलाना, बिखेरना, फेंकना, खिन्डाना, तितर - बितर करना

بَگارْنا کے اردو معانی

فعل متعدی

  • پھیلانا، متتشر کرنا، بکھیرنا، پھینکنا، کھنڈانا

Rhyming words of bagaarnaa

Showing search results for: English meaning of bagarna

Citation Index: See the sources referred to in building Rekhta Dictionary

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