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Showing results for "bismillaa"


with the name of God, a phrase used while commencing a task


in the name of Allah, an invocation used by Muslims at the beginning of a task

bismillaah kii shaadii

bismillaah kar

bismillaah ke gumbad me.n sonaa

bismillaah ke gumbad me.n baiThnaa

retire from the world, lead a life of seclusion

bismillaah ke gumbad me.n rahnaa

bismillaah kah kar

bismillaah kaa gumbad

bismillaah Galat honaa

start at the wrong foot, a work to be bungled at the start

bismillaah honaa

bismillaah karnaa

begin to eat and drink

bismillaah karke

bismillaah hii Galat honaa

start at the wrong foot, a work to be bungled at the start

bismillaah allaahu akbar kar denaa

bismillaah se tammat tak

from start to the end

bismillaahi majriihaa va mursaahaa

bismillaahir rahmaanir rahiim

In the name of Allah, the most benevolent ever merciful.

apnaa bismillaah duusre kaa na'uuzu-billaah

khaane ko bismillaah kaam ko na'uuzubillaah

khaane ko bismillaah kaam ko astaGfirullaah



'Bismillah (in the name of Allah)' written in the form of a bird- in calligraphy

har nivaala bismillaah

allaah bismillaah karnaa

pahlii bismillaah Galat

har nivaale bismillaah

pahlii bismillaah hii Galat

starting off on the wrong foot

pahlii bismillaah


start, initiate, begins


hamaarii bismillaah aur ham se hii chhuu

Meaning ofSee meaning bismillaa in English, Hindi & Urdu



Vazn : 222

English meaning of bismillaa

Noun, Archaic, Feminine

  • with the name of God, a phrase used while commencing a task

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बिस्मिल्ला के हिंदी अर्थ

संज्ञा, प्राचीन, स्त्रीलिंग

  • = बिस्मिल्लाह

بِسْمِلّا کے اردو معانی

اسم، قدیم/فرسودہ، مؤنث

  • رک : بسملّہ.

Showing search results for: English meaning of bismilla

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